Alright guys, I have the file mode as described previously working with posters for the selection screen, fan art for each ppv and season displaying properly, and info when the "i" key is hit due to being scanned in. This is the closest i have gotten to being 100% happy with the setup.
Here is a view from the "season" level:
In a perfect world it would just have the year, and not the word season, but whatever.
I love the detailed nfo on the movie format, but I also don't want to wait around for every PPV from now to 1985 to be added when i already have nfo files drawn up for the tv show format. So I had a few questions in regards to the tv show way of doing this:
Here is what my current setup looks like inside a season:
At the bottom it shows the episode info. Is there a way to remove the text from below the "episode"/PPV? Or is there a way to put the name of the PPV there instead of this generic text?
Second question:
Some of my PPV's are across multiple video files. While it is possible to encode them into one file, this an take a long time and is very slow. There is also a possibility of loosing video quality when the files were encoded differently and require re-encoding.
I attempted to name them like so:
With the goal being that it would play all three. It probably would do that in tv mode, but since I am accessing via file mode, it seems each one has to be selected individually. Is anyone aware of a way to stack video files in file mode?
And finally, is it possible to use theme music in file mode?
Thanks for any and all answers guys.
I started my wcw pack a few days ago and have almost completed all the posters and nfo files for those PPV's. After that I'll just have to figure out fanart backdrops and it will be done as well.
Secondary issue i just noticed. The nfo displayed for each ppv is simply the nfo description for the entire tv series. Not for each episode. Why is it seeing this nfo file, but not the ones for each ppv?
To re-clarify, I have my stuff in the TV Show format, so:
Season 01