I highly doubt XBMC will distinguish between capitals or lower letters in future versions, especially for something like images, so I’m pretty sure we’re save as is.
I’ve got as a goal to include individual episodes before I make it to a full version 1.0.
But for v0.5, my main goal was to make the current features stable, and hearing the recent reports it seems I’m very close to that goal, so I may go on to tv episodes soon.
As is, if you scrape with ViMM for a tv show, XBMC will add any episode, and use the TVDB to download episode information for any episode you have using an episode guide URL that’s included with ViMM’s scraping, so you shouldn’t miss out on anything weather you use your TV shows with ViMM now or later.
ClearArts, Logo’s and TV Thumbs are currently not auto downloaded because they’re from a different website then the TVDB’s, I may create an extra step in the future, inside the program to automatically download the first ClearArt, Logo or TV thumb available on scraping a tv show.
Using extra fanarts instead of extra extracted thumbs for now is an interesting idea, I’ll note it down and see if I can use it.