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WIP TV Tunes
Feature request:

Would it be possible to re-add the ability to download theme songs from the Plex Library and import them into Kodi? The import features existed in version 100.5.8 of TV Tunes (the release prior to the final release before you revived the add-on) and is an extremely useful feature.
Hello everyone. I get this error in TVTunes v. 2.0.3 and I don't know what's causing it.

2021-07-21 19:44:18.730 T:10352   ERROR <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                                    - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                                   Error Type: <class 'NameError'>
                                                   Error Contents: name 'executebuiltin' is not defined
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "C:\Users\MediaCenter\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.tvtunes\service.py", line 43, in <module>
                                                       executebuiltin('SetVolume(%d)' % startupVol, True)
                                                   NameError: name 'executebuiltin' is not defined
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--
2021-07-21 19:44:18.756 T:10352    INFO <general>: Python interpreter stopped
(2021-07-21, 21:09)Roger79 Wrote: Hello everyone. I get this error in TVTunes v. 2.0.3 and I don't know what's causing it.

2021-07-21 19:44:18.730 T:10352   ERROR <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                                    - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                                   Error Type: <class 'NameError'>
                                                   Error Contents: name 'executebuiltin' is not defined
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "C:\Users\MediaCenter\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.tvtunes\service.py", line 43, in <module>
                                                       executebuiltin('SetVolume(%d)' % startupVol, True)
                                                   NameError: name 'executebuiltin' is not defined
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--
2021-07-21 19:44:18.756 T:10352    INFO <general>: Python interpreter stopped
Needs to be xbmc.executebuiltin()

scott s.
All download capability has been removed from TV Tunes due to copyright violation.

Thanks scott967! I'll make that change and upload a new version to my repo. If you have time, can you take a look at this problem with Movie Sets. It started with Leia. Thanks!

Update: New version (v2.0.4) uploaded to repo.
Hi guys,
I have a problem with 2.0.4 version on kodi 19.1 (LibreElec 10)
I get this error :

ERROR <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                                    - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                                   Error Type: <class 'AttributeError'>
                                                   Error Contents: 'xbmcgui.ListItem' object has no attribute 'getfilename'
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvtunes/service.py", line 56, in <module>
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvtunes/resources/lib/backend.py", line 165, in runAsAService
                                                       if self.start_playing():
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvtunes/resources/lib/backend.py", line 370, in start_playing
                                                       playlist = self.newThemeFiles.getThemePlaylist()
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvtunes/resources/lib/themeFinder.py", line 350, in getThemePlaylist
                                                       filename = playlist[0].getfilename()
                                                   AttributeError: 'xbmcgui.ListItem' object has no attribute 'getfilename'
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--

Any clue ?

EDIT : fixed my problem...almost...just a workaround.
This problem occurs if the "start at random position" option is enabled in the settings.


because as you can see here, listItem does not have a getFilename method.

Now it works, but the random start option is somewhat important to me.
Any idea how to fix this ?
should I replace the getFileName with getLabel ? (does not seem a good idea lol).
@latts9923 ?
Following this out of interest. Also, I just experienced an abrupt crash after exiting browsing my "Tv Shows" section ...the theme stopped, then kodi crashed a few seconds later. After restarting kodi, I have no sound whatsoever in kodi.

Has anyone experienced this? How do i fix it?

after looking at the logs it looks like maybe the skin helper service may be the culprit....browsing tvshows just happened to be the last thing i was doing....?...maybe...nevertheless, the fact that i have no sound remains. 


2021-09-30 16:23:28.736 T:16868   ERROR <general>: Skin Helper Service --> Exception in resources.lib.listitem_monitor ! --> local variable 'adb_album' referenced before assignment
2021-09-30 16:23:29.508 T:23328    INFO <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
2021-09-30 16:23:29.544 T:23364    INFO <general>: Loading skin file: customSubMenu.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2021-09-30 16:23:29.708 T:20216    INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2021-09-30 16:23:31.570 T:20216    INFO <general>: SEREN (-1): Seren, Running Path - {'action': 'syncTraktActivities'}
2021-09-30 16:23:32.487 T:20216    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(526, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\plugin.video.seren\seren.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:32.687 T:20216    INFO <general>: Python interpreter stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:33.291 T:23364    INFO <general>: Stopping player
2021-09-30 16:23:33.291 T:23364    INFO <general>: Storing total System Uptime
2021-09-30 16:23:33.291 T:23364    INFO <general>: Saving settings
2021-09-30 16:23:33.294 T:23364    INFO <general>: Saving skin settings
2021-09-30 16:23:33.299 T:23364    INFO <general>: Stopping all
2021-09-30 16:23:33.299 T:23364    INFO <general>: ES: Stopping event server
2021-09-30 16:23:33.299 T:23364    INFO <general>: stopping zeroconf publishing
2021-09-30 16:23:33.651 T:10664    INFO <general>: ES: UDP Event server stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:33.652 T:21184    INFO <general>: context.seren service: stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:33.652 T:21184    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(2, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\context.seren\service.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:33.767 T:21184    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:33.767 T:23364    INFO <general>: CServiceAddonManager: failed to stop plugin.program.aliunde.matrix.maintenance.wizard (may have ended)
2021-09-30 16:23:38.770 T:23364   ERROR <general>: CPythonInvoker(4, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\plugin.video.seren\service.py): script didn't stop in 5 seconds - let's kill it
2021-09-30 16:23:38.771 T:23236    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(5, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\plugin.video.youtube\resources\lib\startup.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:38.905 T:23236    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:38.938 T:22412    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(6, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.061 T:22412    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:39.061 T:11048    INFO <general>: [ script.embuary.helper ] Service: Player monitor stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:39.062 T:11048    INFO <general>: [ script.embuary.helper ] Service: Stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:39.062 T:11048    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(7, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.embuary.helper\service.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.167 T:11048    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:39.167 T:16196    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(8, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.embuary.info\service.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.265 T:16196    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:39.266 T:23520    INFO <general>: Skin Helper Service --> Shutdown requested !
2021-09-30 16:23:39.266 T:23520    INFO <general>: script.module.thetvdb --> Exited
2021-09-30 16:23:39.266 T:23520    INFO <general>: script.module.metadatautils --> Exited
2021-09-30 16:23:39.266 T:23520    INFO <general>: Skin Helper Service --> Skin Helper Service version 1.1.39 stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:39.266 T:23520    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(9, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.skin.helper.service\service.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.377 T:23520    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:39.377 T:21412    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(10, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.skin.helper.skinbackup\service.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.471 T:21412    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:39.472 T:12552    INFO <general>: script.skin.helper.widgets --> Backgroundservice stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:39.472 T:12552    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(11, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.skin.helper.widgets\service.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.546 T:12552    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:39.546 T:14344    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(12, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.trakt\default.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.625 T:14344    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:39.625 T:20000    INFO <general>: script.tv.show.next.aired --> TV Show - Next Aired version 8.0.1 stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:39.625 T:20000    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(13, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\script.tv.show.next.aired\service.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.683 T:20000    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:39.683 T:4352     INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(14, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\service.library.data.provider\service.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:39.733 T:4352     INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:44.745 T:23364   ERROR <general>: CPythonInvoker(240, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\service.tvtunes\service.py): script didn't stop in 5 seconds - let's kill it
2021-09-30 16:23:44.746 T:16652    INFO <general>: [service.upnext] UpNextMonitor -> Service stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:44.746 T:16652    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(15, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\service.upnext\resources\lib\service_entry.py): script successfully run
2021-09-30 16:23:44.777 T:16652   ERROR <general>: EXCEPTION: No valid addon id could be obtained. None was passed and the script wasn't executed in a normal Kodi manner.
2021-09-30 16:23:44.805 T:16652    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:44.805 T:19608    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(240, D:\Kodi - New\Kodi\portable_data\addons\service.tvtunes\service.py): script aborted
2021-09-30 16:23:44.805 T:23364    INFO <general>: CServiceAddonManager: failed to stop service.xbmc.versioncheck (may have ended)
2021-09-30 16:23:44.818 T:23364    INFO <general>: Application stopped
2021-09-30 16:23:44.859 T:19608    INFO <general>: Python interpreter interrupted by user
2021-09-30 16:23:45.030 T:23364    INFO <general>: XBApplicationEx: destroying...
2021-09-30 16:23:45.514 T:23364    INFO <general>: AddOnLog: peripheral.joystick: Disabling joystick interface "directinput"
2021-09-30 16:23:45.514 T:23364    INFO <general>: AddOnLog: peripheral.joystick: Disabling joystick interface "xinput"
2021-09-30 16:23:45.514 T:23364    INFO <general>: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - Joystick Support
2021-09-30 16:23:45.514 T:23364    INFO <general>: unload skin
2021-09-30 16:23:45.562 T:23364 WARNING <general>: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs_context_focus.png
2021-09-30 16:23:45.562 T:23364 WARNING <general>: CGUITextureManager::Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture dialogs_context_nofocus.png
2021-09-30 16:23:45.658 T:23364    INFO <general>: Unloaded skin

fixed my issue by switching to different Options>Audio> Output Devices and back to Directsound: default again. and also turning the volume up in Kodi ....very weird. Just speculation, but i am thinking that when the tv show i was browsing was playing a theme and i exited from browsing that tv show the volume was turned down (programmatically) for the tv show but instead was turned down for the whole platform...then the plugin possibly crashed which caused kodi to crash and so volume levels were somehow stuck at "off" or low. switching the audio device seemed to possibly "unstick" the levels.....again just speculation.
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
I'll take a look when I can. I'm away from my mod PC for a while.

I've experienced the volume problem with Krypton, but not with Leia or Matrix. I just have to increase the volume back to max again when it occurs.
I've been using TVTunes for quite some time now. I've added theme songs for all my media and I like the added immersion that it offers. I have set it up so it play's music when I'm in the information screen of the movie/tv-show.

Now, this all works fine as long as I'm browsing in my main Movie or TV show library (the "all movies" or "all tv-shows" function). However when I go to the information screen via a skins widget (Recently Added, Random Movies,...), there is no music. Even when I open the contextmenu and select "information" no music is played in the information screen. At first I thought that it was my skin that was causing this but now I've switched skins a few times and they all seem to have this problem. So I guess it's the add-on what's causing this or a limitation in Kodi. 

It's really a shame because lately I've been using these widgets more and I kinda miss my theme songs when browsing Kodi this way...  Undecided

Any advice or insight would be nice. Thanks!
Selecting MEDIA INFO from the widget appears to display the Extended Info screen and not the Video Info screen. I'm not sure how to tie the theme to Extended Info.
installed codi 19
and now this plugin works differently.
after starting a video theme, if you move the focus to another movie, the video in the background continues to play, but it should stop

what am I doing wrong?
There is a problem that was introduced in Kodi 19 with video themes. I can't figure out what the problem is. I need some smarter eyes on the code to figure that one out...same thing with Movie Sets not playing themes.
thanks, I will wait for the update

I thought I had this problem)

What you can do is just manually stop the video playback using a hotkey or button depending on your device. On Windows systems it's the "x" key. A minor inconvenience but at least the addon can still be used.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro   | Kodi 21.2 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.1.6  |  Kodi 21.2  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.5.2
Hi. I use this addon mainly to play menu backgrounds from blu-rays. At the moment I use the Arctic: Zephyr - Reloaded but the video is not very visible behind the skin layout. Does anyone here know of a skin that has a better focus on video played by TVTunes, or which skin do you prefer to use with TVTunes? Thanks.
Windows 11, Intel i9 9900K, 16GB RAM, Asus Geforce RTX 3060 Phoenix
The Aeon MQ 7 and MQ 8 Skins I maintain have a view named KodiFlix that has a video preview window. It's probably my favorite view for Movies/TV Shows. It has a ton of options available.
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