Release Weather.MetOffice
Fork of Confluence supporting weather maps available at
Am I right in thinking that this latest Mod for Gotham will only work with the confluence skin?
The core weather.metoffice addon should work in any skin. It provides the basic weather parameters that are supported by default by all skins. This is available in the Official XBMC repo for Frodo and Gotham, so no need to add my repo.

But in order to get the advanced features (map, 3 hour forecast, satellite images) you have to install the modded skin for Confluence.

This is because XBMC/Kodi does not support custom weather layouts, and there's no way to "plug" them in.

Confluence is the only skin modded for metoffice advanced features. If you want it for another skin then you'll have to code it yourself (or ask someone to do it!)

However its possible that other skin providers are more sympathetic to having custom weather xml in their repo.
Hi, I was wondering if the updated confluence skin is still being supported. I've been using this add-on to access the met office 3 hourly updates and found them to be very useful. Unfortunately, as of Kodi (ver14), it no longer seems compatible. After a little digging around, I noticed that the addon.xml does state that it requires ' addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.0.0" '

Has anybody had any success tweaking it to work with the latest version? I'd appreciate any input.
I haven't tried it under Kodi unfortunately. If Kodi has changed/renamed its dependencies then it makes sense that that's the reason why its broken. Sad

Coding for alternate skins is sub-optimal and ideally I'd like to have all the skins under the weather.metoffice addon itself.
Hi Powlo,

Here is a posting I made on the Titan Skin Browser forum.

Is there anything you could have a look at to figure out the artifacts?

In addition, is there anything I'm doing wrong regarding the contextual fanart backgrounds between night and day?
I would prefer to use your MetOffice plugin, because I think the forecasts are more accurate, but at the moment, they don't change between night and day - which Yahoo and Openweathermap seem to.

Many thanks.

gazzacloud Wrote:
Hi Marcel,

As mentioned previously, I'm happily messing about with the contextual weather screens Smile
I've found a small bug, but I'm not sure if it's at your end, or the other plugin. If it isn't, I'll get in touch with the other programmer.

If you set the service for weather information to Met Office - when you restart Kodi, you get artifacts on the screen
(see here )
If you go into menu and refresh the weather settings, it starts working ok again.

To be fair, I don't like the Met Office setting, as it doesn't seem to differentiate between night and day, which both Yahoo and Openweathermap do.

Marcel Wrote:
This seems to be a problem with the Met Office addon as I've never seen this behaviour before.
I just installed the MetOffice addon on my own test system and it's giving me all kinds of script errors...
Please ask the developer of MetOffice for support, let me know if there needs to be done some work on the skin to support it.
I get a 404 on that dropbox link. Looks like copy/paste failed. You don't link to the other forum so I can't help there either.

Regarding day/night. I presume you mean with daily forecast, and you want it to show a day forecast and a night forecast. I think Met Office does provide this information but I didn't include it because there was the danger of cluttering the screen. The layout needs to be thought out carefully, and I didn't have time.
Sorry, the link must have expired.

Here it is
With regard to the day/night forecast, both the other plugins don't show day and night - they just show a standard 5 day forecast, but something obviously triggers the Kodi folder change between day and night fanart.
And I've copied the link to the Titan skin forum. Not sure if this will work Smile
Well that looks a mess.

I can't think why that would occur, the script has little control over what actually appears on screen. It just puts values in lists and lets the skin do what it wants with them.


Can't reproduce.

I tested it under Titan MediaBrowser and it works fine. Switching to Met Office did not produce artefacts. Using Titan 3.2.51 from main repo. Skin settings as set on install.
Tried this as weathermap extended is a bit slow updating when returning to the main menu. However, it doesn't work with Kodi on Windows because it complains there is no function "PIL" (Python Image Library, no doubt).

It installed the pytz library/helper add-on upon installation, so what other python libraries do I need, and are they available on the official Kodi repo?
You're correct.

The addon.xml needs editing to explicitly require script.module.pil.

In previous versions (XBMC) this was not required because this was a built in module.

So put

<import addon="script.module.pil"/>

between the


tag in addon.xml found at C:\Users\***your username***\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\weather.metoffice\addon.xml

and it will work.

I'll push an update when I get the chance.

There's actually an issue for this:

Fixed: Updated download url to v1.0.1
Thanks for the info Powlo. This error has been the one thing preventing me using this addon up till now. Smile
Just tried the updated version, and I have a problem.

The Error messages are gone, but now, since "Observation Location" occupies slot 1 in the settings, and "Forecast Location" occupies slot 2, and the add-on disabled the ability to switch between the three slots, it now only shows the forecast from the "Observation location", which for me, is 20 miles away.

It might pay for skins that will never support this add-on to swap the "Forecast Location" to slot 1, as this is the location people will want to see, and move the "Observation Location" to slot 2.

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