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Win HOW TO - Launch MPC-HC/MPC-BE with madVR as an External Player
Found this snippet in the other thread

<rules action="prepend">
<rule name="streams" protocols="daap|rtv|rtsp|rtmp|http|https|rtmpe|rtsp|mms|rtp|pvr" player="DVDPlayer"/>
<rule filename=".*." player="MPC-HC"/>

Works like a charm! Now all streaming protocols including livetv correctly use DVDPlayer, and all my library files play to MPC-HC. It's pretty cool of you to put this guide together man. If this was around when I was switching to XBMC it would have saved me a lot of time.

I would like to add also that while sharpen complex 2 looks pretty good, lumasharpen is far superior. I can't notice much difference on the bedroom plasma, but on my living room projector lumasharpen is indispensable. I don't know how to upload attachments to this forum, but a quick google search will find you what you need.
(2014-12-04, 21:42)berstuck Wrote: Found this snippet in the other thread

<rules action="prepend">
<rule name="streams" protocols="daap|rtv|rtsp|rtmp|http|https|rtmpe|rtsp|mms|rtp|pvr" player="DVDPlayer"/>
<rule filename=".*." player="MPC-HC"/>

Works like a charm! Now all streaming protocols including livetv correctly use DVDPlayer, and all my library files play to MPC-HC. It's pretty cool of you to put this guide together man. If this was around when I was switching to XBMC it would have saved me a lot of time.

I would like to add also that while sharpen complex 2 looks pretty good, lumasharpen is far superior. I can't notice much difference on the bedroom plasma, but on my living room projector lumasharpen is indispensable. I don't know how to upload attachments to this forum, but a quick google search will find you what you need.

I have a copy of lumasharpen to share, but I don't use shaders:

Save the following as an .hlsl file and move to the shaders folder in MPC-HC. You might also be able to load it from the Shaders section. I find the effect too strong to the point it creates artifacts, but I'm sure that could be adjusted.

PHP Code:
/* --- Settings --- */

// -- Sharpening --
#define sharp_strength 0.65   //[0.10 to 3.00] Strength of the sharpening
#define sharp_clamp    0.035  //[0.000 to 1.000] Limits maximum amount of sharpening a pixel recieves - Default is 0.035

// -- Advanced sharpening settings --
#define pattern 2        //[1|2|3|4] Choose a sample pattern. 1 = Fast, 2 = Normal, 3 = Wider, 4 = Pyramid shaped.
#define offset_bias 1.0  //[0.0 to 6.0] Offset bias adjusts the radius of the sampling pattern.
                         //I designed the pattern for offset_bias 1.0, but feel free to experiment.

// -- Debug sharpening settings --
#define show_sharpen 0   //[0 or 1] Visualize the strength of the sharpen (multiplied by 4 to see it better)

/* ---  Defining Constants --- */
#define myTex2D(s,p) tex2D(s,p)

#ifndef s0
sampler s0 register(s0);
#define s1 s0
//sampler s1 : register(s1);

float4 p0 register(c0);
float4 p1 register(c1);

//  #define width (p0[0])
//  #define height (p0[1])
//  #define counter (p0[2])
//  #define clock (p0[3])
//  #define px (p1[0]) //one_over_width 
//  #define py (p1[1]) //one_over_height

  #define px (p1.x) //one_over_width 
  #define py (p1.y) //one_over_height
  #define screen_size float2(p0.x,p0.y)

  #define pixel float2(px,py)

//#define pxy float2(p1.xy)

//#define PI acos(-1)

/* ---  Main code --- */


     LumaSharpen 1.4.1

  by Christian Cann Schuldt Jensen ~ CeeJay.dk

  It blurs the original pixel with the surrounding pixels and then subtracts this blur to sharpen the image.
  It does this in luma to avoid color artifacts and allows limiting the maximum sharpning to avoid or lessen halo artifacts.

  This is similar to using Unsharp Mask in Photoshop.

  Compiles with 3.0

  /                      Developer settings                     /
#define CoefLuma float3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722)      // BT.709 & sRBG luma coefficient (Monitors and HD Television)
//#define CoefLuma float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)       // BT.601 luma coefficient (SD Television)
//#define CoefLuma float3(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0) // Equal weight coefficient

  /                          Main code                          /

float4 LumaSharpenPass(float4 inputcolorfloat2 tex )
// -- Get the original pixel --
float3 ori myTex2D(s0tex).rgb;       // ori = original pixel

  // -- Combining the strength and luma multipliers --
float3 sharp_strength_luma = (CoefLuma sharp_strength); //I'll be combining even more multipliers with it later on

  /                       Sampling patterns                     /
  //   [ NW,   , NE ] Each texture lookup (except ori)
  //   [   ,ori,    ] samples 4 pixels
  //   [ SW,   , SE ]

  // -- Pattern 1 -- A (fast) 7 tap gaussian using only 2+1 texture fetches.
  #if pattern == 1

    // -- Gaussian filter --
    //   [ 1/9, 2/9,    ]     [ 1 , 2 ,   ]
    //   [ 2/9, 8/9, 2/9]  =  [ 2 , 8 , 2 ]
     //   [    , 2/9, 1/9]     [   , 2 , 1 ]

float3 blur_ori myTex2D(s0tex + (float2(px,py) / 3.0) * offset_bias).rgb;  // North West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex + (float2(-px,-py) / 3.0) * offset_bias).rgb// South East

    //blur_ori += myTex2D(s0, tex + float2(px,py) / 3.0 * offset_bias); // North East
    //blur_ori += myTex2D(s0, tex + float2(-px,-py) / 3.0 * offset_bias); // South West

blur_ori /= 2;  //Divide by the number of texture fetches

sharp_strength_luma *= 1.5// Adjust strength to aproximate the strength of pattern 2


  // -- Pattern 2 -- A 9 tap gaussian using 4+1 texture fetches.
  #if pattern == 2

    // -- Gaussian filter --
    //   [ .25, .50, .25]     [ 1 , 2 , 1 ]
    //   [ .50,   1, .50]  =  [ 2 , 4 , 2 ]
     //   [ .25, .50, .25]     [ 1 , 2 , 1 ]

float3 blur_ori myTex2D(s0tex float2(px,-py) * 0.5 offset_bias).rgb// South East
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(-px,-py) * 0.5 offset_bias).rgb;  // South West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(px,py) * 0.5 offset_bias).rgb// North East
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(-px,py) * 0.5 offset_bias).rgb// North West

blur_ori *= 0.25;  // ( /= 4) Divide by the number of texture fetches


  // -- Pattern 3 -- An experimental 17 tap gaussian using 4+1 texture fetches.
  #if pattern == 3

    // -- Gaussian filter --
    //   [   , 4 , 6 ,   ,   ]
    //   [   ,16 ,24 ,16 , 4 ]
    //   [ 6 ,24 ,   ,24 , 6 ]
    //   [ 4 ,16 ,24 ,16 ,   ]
    //   [   ,   , 6 , 4 ,   ]

float3 blur_ori myTex2D(s0tex float2(0.4*px,-1.2*py)* offset_bias).rgb;  // South South East
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(-1.2*px,-0.4*py) * offset_bias).rgb// West South West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(1.2*px,0.4*py) * offset_bias).rgb// East North East
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(-0.4*px,1.2*py) * offset_bias).rgb// North North West

blur_ori *= 0.25;  // ( /= 4) Divide by the number of texture fetches

sharp_strength_luma *= 0.51;

  // -- Pattern 4 -- A 9 tap high pass (pyramid filter) using 4+1 texture fetches.
  #if pattern == 4

    // -- Gaussian filter --
    //   [ .50, .50, .50]     [ 1 , 1 , 1 ]
    //   [ .50,    , .50]  =  [ 1 ,   , 1 ]
     //   [ .50, .50, .50]     [ 1 , 1 , 1 ]

float3 blur_ori myTex2D(s0tex float2(0.5 px,-py offset_bias)).rgb;  // South South East
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(offset_bias * -px,0.5 * -py)).rgb// West South West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(offset_bias px,0.5 py)).rgb// East North East
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(0.5 * -px,py offset_bias)).rgb// North North West

    //blur_ori += (2 * ori); // Probably not needed. Only serves to lessen the effect.

blur_ori /= 4.0;  //Divide by the number of texture fetches

sharp_strength_luma *= 0.666// Adjust strength to aproximate the strength of pattern 2

  // -- Pattern 8 -- A (slower) 9 tap gaussian using 9 texture fetches.
  #if pattern == 8

    // -- Gaussian filter --
    //   [ 1 , 2 , 1 ]
    //   [ 2 , 4 , 2 ]
     //   [ 1 , 2 , 1 ]

half3 blur_ori myTex2D(s0tex float2(-px,py) * offset_bias).rgb// North West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(px,-py) * offset_bias).rgb;     // South East
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(-px,-py)  * offset_bias).rgb;  // South West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(px,py) * offset_bias).rgb;    // North East

half3 blur_ori2 myTex2D(s0tex float2(0,py) * offset_bias).rgb// North
blur_ori2 += myTex2D(s0tex float2(0,-py) * offset_bias).rgb;    // South
blur_ori2 += myTex2D(s0tex float2(-px,0) * offset_bias).rgb;   // West
blur_ori2 += myTex2D(s0tex float2(px,0) * offset_bias).rgb;   // East
blur_ori2 *= 2.0;

blur_ori += blur_ori2;
blur_ori += (ori 4); // Probably not needed. Only serves to lessen the effect.

    // dot()s with gaussian strengths here?

blur_ori /= 16.0;  //Divide by the number of texture fetches

    //sharp_strength_luma *= 0.75; // Adjust strength to aproximate the strength of pattern 2

  // -- Pattern 9 -- A (slower) 9 tap high pass using 9 texture fetches.
  #if pattern == 9

    // -- Gaussian filter --
    //   [ 1 , 1 , 1 ]
    //   [ 1 , 1 , 1 ]
     //   [ 1 , 1 , 1 ]

float3 blur_ori myTex2D(s0tex float2(-px,py) * offset_bias).rgb// North West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(px,-py) * offset_bias).rgb;     // South East
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(-px,-py)  * offset_bias).rgb;  // South West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(px,py) * offset_bias).rgb;    // North East

blur_ori += ori.rgb// Probably not needed. Only serves to lessen the effect.

blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(0,py) * offset_bias).rgb;    // North
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(0,-py) * offset_bias).rgb;  // South
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(-px,0) * offset_bias).rgb// West
blur_ori += myTex2D(s0tex float2(px,0) * offset_bias).rgb// East

blur_ori /= 9;  //Divide by the number of texture fetches

    //sharp_strength_luma *= (8.0/9.0); // Adjust strength to aproximate the strength of pattern 2

  /                            Sharpen                          /

  // -- Calculate the sharpening --
float3 sharp ori blur_ori;  //Subtracting the blurred image from the original image

  #if 0 //New experimental limiter .. not yet finished
float sharp_luma dot(sharpsharp_strength_luma); //Calculate the luma
sharp_luma = (abs(sharp_luma)*8.0) * exp(1.0-(abs(sharp_luma)*8.0)) * sign(sharp_luma) / 16.0//I should probably move the strength modifier here

  #elif 0 //SweetFX 1.4 code
    // -- Adjust strength of the sharpening --
float sharp_luma dot(sharpsharp_strength_luma); //Calculate the luma and adjust the strength

    // -- Clamping the maximum amount of sharpening to prevent halo artifacts --
sharp_luma clamp(sharp_luma, -sharp_clampsharp_clamp);  //TODO Try a curve function instead of a clamp
  #else //SweetFX 1.5.1 code
    // -- Adjust strength of the sharpening and clamp it--
float4 sharp_strength_luma_clamp float4(sharp_strength_luma * (0.5 sharp_clamp),0.5); //Roll part of the clamp into the dot

    //sharp_luma = saturate((0.5 / sharp_clamp) * sharp_luma + 0.5); //scale up and clamp
float sharp_luma saturate(dot(float4(sharp,1.0), sharp_strength_luma_clamp)); //Calculate the luma, adjust the strength, scale up and clamp
sharp_luma = (sharp_clamp 2.0) * sharp_luma sharp_clamp//scale down

  // -- Combining the values to get the final sharpened pixel    --
  //float4 done = ori + sharp_luma;    // Add the sharpening to the original.
inputcolor.rgb inputcolor.rgb sharp_luma;    // Add the sharpening to the input color.

  /                     Returning the output                    /
  #if show_sharpen == 1
    //inputcolor.rgb = abs(sharp * 4.0);
inputcolor.rgb saturate(0.5 + (sharp_luma 4)).rrr;

return saturate(inputcolor);


/* --- Main --- */

float4 main(float2 tex TEXCOORD0) : COLOR {
float4 c0 tex2D(s0tex);

c0 LumaSharpenPass(c0tex);

(2014-12-04, 21:42)berstuck Wrote: Found this snippet in the other thread

<rules action="prepend">
<rule name="streams" protocols="daap|rtv|rtsp|rtmp|http|https|rtmpe|rtsp|mms|rtp|pvr" player="DVDPlayer"/>
<rule filename=".*." player="MPC-HC"/>

Works like a charm! Now all streaming protocols including livetv correctly use DVDPlayer, and all my library files play to MPC-HC. It's pretty cool of you to put this guide together man. If this was around when I was switching to XBMC it would have saved me a lot of time.

I would like to add also that while sharpen complex 2 looks pretty good, lumasharpen is far superior. I can't notice much difference on the bedroom plasma, but on my living room projector lumasharpen is indispensable. I don't know how to upload attachments to this forum, but a quick google search will find you what you need.

Just wanted to update this doesn't actually work, because it causes my music files to open in mpc-hc. Changing the line that says <rule filename=".*." player="MPC-HC"/> into a rule filetypes and listing the movie types you want works like a charm however.
Thanks, I adjusted that section accordingly.
Hi and thanks for this guide!!

I have one problem, it looks like when i starting a movie in Kodi it starts mpc-hc but mpc-hc can not rendering the file, this means that mpc-hc aint loading the filters...

And if i start mpc-hc manual and starting the same movie, mpc-hc starts the filters (filters get loaded in system-tray) and the movie works flawless.

What can i do to solve this? Where do i find mpc-hc log files?

Kodi debug log can be found: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=384580

the only thing i can see that gives me an error is this line "CAESinkWASAPI::EnumerateDevicesEx: data format "AE_FMT_AAC" on device "AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Definition Audio Device)" seems to be not supported."

But that error looks weird cause both xbmc and mpc-hc plays the movie correct when loaded either in xbmc or mpc-hc standalone.

Many thanks again for a superb HOW-TO! i just wished that it worked for me haha Wink

/ Bootdisk
(2014-12-28, 13:58)bootdisk Wrote: Hi and thanks for this guide!!

I have one problem, it looks like when i starting a movie in Kodi it starts mpc-hc but mpc-hc can not rendering the file, this means that mpc-hc aint loading the filters...

And if i start mpc-hc manual and starting the same movie, mpc-hc starts the filters (filters get loaded in system-tray) and the movie works flawless.

What can i do to solve this? Where do i find mpc-hc log files?

Kodi debug log can be found: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=384580

the only thing i can see that gives me an error is this line "CAESinkWASAPI::EnumerateDevicesEx: data format "AE_FMT_AAC" on device "AMD HDMI Output (AMD High Definition Audio Device)" seems to be not supported."

But that error looks weird cause both xbmc and mpc-hc plays the movie correct when loaded either in xbmc or mpc-hc standalone.

Many thanks again for a superb HOW-TO! i just wished that it worked for me haha Wink

/ Bootdisk

I think your problem is too technical for me to solve, but I can offer a couple of troubleshooting tips.
  • Have you tried disabling "fullscreen exclusive mode" in madVR under "general settings?" That's the first place I'd look.
  • If it is your audio device, try using a different audio renderer such as ReClock.
  • The only other suggestion would be to try MPC-BE instead. The two players seem to interact differently with Kodi and MPC-BE can be used without having LAV Filters installed.
  • Also, I'd recheck my playercorefactory.xml to make sure there are no mistakes in there.
I assume you are getting a black screen. I haven't encountered that before.
Brilliant guide Warner, just a couple of things I cant get sorted out

1. When I stop the movie it doesn't return to Kodi interface I after exit Mpc-hc manually (right click exit or Alt-X)
2.Some of my movies are playing how they used to using Kodi's player but with Mpc-hc some are playing in a window mode (like an original size)

Hope this makes sense, any ideas? cheers
9.1 Cinema Room htpc with Kodi Matrix & emby server~Epson EH-TW9300~Homemade 8ft pj screen~AVR~Yamaha RX-A3070~Speakers~Monitor Audio RX6 Fronts & RX Centre~RXFX Surrounds~250's Rears~180's Front Presence~BK XXLS400 Sub~8033C AntiMode~HarmonyOne
(2014-12-29, 18:18)wints Wrote: Brilliant guide Warner, just a couple of things I cant get sorted out

1. When I stop the movie it doesn't return to Kodi interface I after exit Mpc-hc manually (right click exit or Alt-X)
2.Some of my movies are playing how they used to using Kodi's player but with Mpc-hc some are playing in a window mode (like an original size)

Hope this makes sense, any ideas? cheers

1. Stop and Exit must be the same command. That way when you stop the movie, MPC-HC should close automatically. In the case of the example keymap, that key is X. Make sure the command you use for Stop and Exit is not repeated elsewhere in the keymap. The only place X should appear is under the commands "Stop" and "Exit." If it is repeated elsewhere, the command will not be read correctly. It might also be that your remote does not recognize keyboard commands. In this case, Stop and Exit should be controlled by the command Media_Stop instead. I placed X and Media_Stop under both Stop and Exit in the beginning to be certain this command was recognized. Lastly, I am sure there is a checkbox in MPC-HC settings regarding the behavior of the player when stopped. I don't think this checkbox matters if you have a key to exit the player, but check its setting, regardless.

2. Having videos launch in windowed mode has happened to me. As I mention in the Tips section of the keymap, the video size can be altered in MPC-HC in many ways. During playback, right-click and navigate to "Video Frame." This setting should be set to "Touch Window from Inside."

Both of your issues have been encountered before, so I have some faith they can be easily fixed.

Let me know if you get it working!
Ok cheers for that, think I've just about got it sorted now
9.1 Cinema Room htpc with Kodi Matrix & emby server~Epson EH-TW9300~Homemade 8ft pj screen~AVR~Yamaha RX-A3070~Speakers~Monitor Audio RX6 Fronts & RX Centre~RXFX Surrounds~250's Rears~180's Front Presence~BK XXLS400 Sub~8033C AntiMode~HarmonyOne
Great tutorial and I've used it to set up MPC-HC successfully. Had a small issue with stopping and exiting but explanations above worked.

The one thing I can't get around though is the "play the next file automatically". I need this set as the kids watch their TV and want one show to roll into the next. That is fine and MPC-HC does that. The only problem is if I manually stop a show, KODI cannot differentiate between a show being stopped (should return to KODI screen) and coming to a stop naturally when a show ends (should load next file). Consequently if I press stop on the remote, KODI loads the next file.

Is there any way around this? Is it possible to somehow catch the stop command and feed it to KODI?
I was not able to replicate this issue. In fact, I had the opposite problem; I couldn't get Kodi to play the next file automatically. However, there is a line you can add to playercorefactory that is supposed to address this issue.

I had the following items checked in MPC-HC:

Settings: Playback

Play 1 time(s)
Play next file in the folder

Settings: Tweaks

Open next/previous in folder on "Skip back/forward" when there is only one item in playlist.


<player name="MPC-HC" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
<filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\MPC-HC\mpc-hc.exe</filename>
<args>"{1}" /fullscreen /close</args>
<rules action="prepend">
<rule video="true" player="MPC-HC">
<rule internetstream="true" player="DVDPlayer" />
<rule name="Streaming" protocols="daap|rtv|rtsp|rtmp|http|https|rtmpe|rtsp|mms" player="DVDPlayer" />

Definition: Whether playback should stop after playing one item that's part of a stack.

You would have to test this to determine if it works for you.
Hello to all guys, I have a request of you:
Kodi use as a front end and JRiver as a player, I have a GPU Sapphire r9 270X OC, but when I use JRiver only, I can push a lot of madVR, because I have a function that I Kodi absorbs resources, if you launch a film by Kodi, I will JRiver opens without problems, but with Kodi in the background I can not go beyond JINC 3 taps for Chroma, otherwise I have a rendering of more than 41 ms.Confused

It is possible to put on stand-by Kodi because I do not absorb resources from the GPU when JRiver is in motion and when I spend JRiver, automatically wakes Kodi?

Sorry for my English, but I write with the Google translator.Blush

Thanks very much in advance.Nod
(2015-02-25, 19:52)andreamusso.am Wrote: Hello to all guys, I have a request of you:
Kodi use as a front end and JRiver as a player, I have a GPU Sapphire r9 270X OC, but when I use JRiver only, I can push a lot of madVR, because I have a function that I Kodi absorbs resources, if you launch a film by Kodi, I will JRiver opens without problems, but with Kodi in the background I can not go beyond JINC 3 taps for Chroma, otherwise I have a rendering of more than 41 ms.Confused

It is possible to put on stand-by Kodi because I do not absorb resources from the GPU when JRiver is in motion and when I spend JRiver, automatically wakes Kodi?

Sorry for my English, but I write with the Google translator.Blush

Thanks very much in advance.Nod

I don't think JRiver is meant to be used as an external player. If performance is your concern, I would use MPC-BE or MPC-HC instead. You will likely get even better performance with madVR but still be able to run Kodi as the frontend. I believe madVR was originally designed to work with MPC-HC before other players, but I could be wrong.

The fact that JRiver works at all as an external player is unexpected. JRiver Media Center is not likely designed to be used this way.
(2015-02-25, 20:57)Warner306 Wrote:
(2015-02-25, 19:52)andreamusso.am Wrote: Hello to all guys, I have a request of you:
Kodi use as a front end and JRiver as a player, I have a GPU Sapphire r9 270X OC, but when I use JRiver only, I can push a lot of madVR, because I have a function that I Kodi absorbs resources, if you launch a film by Kodi, I will JRiver opens without problems, but with Kodi in the background I can not go beyond JINC 3 taps for Chroma, otherwise I have a rendering of more than 41 ms.Confused

It is possible to put on stand-by Kodi because I do not absorb resources from the GPU when JRiver is in motion and when I spend JRiver, automatically wakes Kodi?

Sorry for my English, but I write with the Google translator.Blush

Thanks very much in advance.Nod

I don't think JRiver is meant to be used as an external player. If performance is your concern, I would use MPC-BE or MPC-HC instead. You will likely get even better performance with madVR but still be able to run Kodi as the frontend. I believe madVR was originally designed to work with MPC-HC before other players, but I could be wrong.

The fact that JRiver works at all as an external player is unexpected. JRiver Media Center is not likely designed to be used this way.

Thanks for the answer, but instead of using JRiver MHC in JRiver because there is a whole wide world of parameters for audio, including a parametric equalizer and a convoluttore DRC to put under all the audio system.

That's why I tried to put on stand-by Kodi when JRiver is working.
(2015-02-26, 09:47)andreamusso.am Wrote:
(2015-02-25, 20:57)Warner306 Wrote:
(2015-02-25, 19:52)andreamusso.am Wrote: Hello to all guys, I have a request of you:
Kodi use as a front end and JRiver as a player, I have a GPU Sapphire r9 270X OC, but when I use JRiver only, I can push a lot of madVR, because I have a function that I Kodi absorbs resources, if you launch a film by Kodi, I will JRiver opens without problems, but with Kodi in the background I can not go beyond JINC 3 taps for Chroma, otherwise I have a rendering of more than 41 ms.Confused

It is possible to put on stand-by Kodi because I do not absorb resources from the GPU when JRiver is in motion and when I spend JRiver, automatically wakes Kodi?

Sorry for my English, but I write with the Google translator.Blush

Thanks very much in advance.Nod

I don't think JRiver is meant to be used as an external player. If performance is your concern, I would use MPC-BE or MPC-HC instead. You will likely get even better performance with madVR but still be able to run Kodi as the frontend. I believe madVR was originally designed to work with MPC-HC before other players, but I could be wrong.

The fact that JRiver works at all as an external player is unexpected. JRiver Media Center is not likely designed to be used this way.

Thanks for the answer, but instead of using JRiver MHC in JRiver because there is a whole wide world of parameters for audio, including a parametric equalizer and a convoluttore DRC to put under all the audio system.

That's why I tried to put on stand-by Kodi when JRiver is working.

I understand. I don't know how get around the fact it isn't working for you. Kodi is very limited in what it can do with external players.

You could try adjusting the following parameters in playercorefactory.xml that control the visibility of Kodi when an external player is launched:

  • 1
  • 2(current)
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 22

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HOW TO - Launch MPC-HC/MPC-BE with madVR as an External Player7