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synology access outside network
Oh, sth i realised later on. I gave u wrong info :-((
When connecting on local IP, u do need port 5005 for webdav. I told u earlier to not use port nr on local connect. That was wrong. Apologies.
Check out this youtube clip
Great! I'm leaving work early so I can go try this!!!! Will let you know.
Just out of curiosity - wot geography are you in? north america?
Ok, so today i set up my 3rd box. Minix NeoX7mini. Took me less than 30mins and works. I think this is wot i did (after some skin stuff)
1) go to FILES>AddVideos....
2) click browse. go to bottom entry in the list, which is sth like "Add network location..."
3) fill out d dialog, WebDav protocol, url, toplevel folder (not the two levels, even tho i use that too), read below, port 5005 and user/pw, click OK to close dialog box. It shld check here at this point if it can connect i think
4) after u return to the list where u chose "add network location", scroll up to find ur newly added source
5) select ur newly added sourcr and Ok
6) you now go to the dialog u had before. U can select and edit ur sourcr and asd the rest of the file path (so add /videos afyer the 10...22/media path. Ok this dialog
7) it should now ask content thpe. Select movies or tv shows or wotever. Ok the dialog box

It shld now start to scan for media.....

I did pretty much like this on my third box. Its actually for my daughter who moves out to study at a university and wld like to stream a movie or two from daddy's nas ;-)
I even got the second layer file naming to work with the method above! Genius work!
Thank you - the prayer must have worked Smile

I am in Seattle. How about you?
So about 9h difference, figured sth like west coast

Well, glad it works for you! Lets now hope ur parents have enough bandwidth in their rv to stream....

So how did u solve it eventually?
Included port 5005 back into my Kodi share setup screen, port forwarded my router per your instructions, re-mapped the Kodi network share to the main folder "Media" first and then went back in to update to "Media/Movies" after the original path was mapped. Connected instantly and started updating the library no problem.
So the next step is to take it outside my LAN, re-map from the LAN IP to the web portal and verify we are still good. I might need to start from the root folder again to map it but knowing this works LAN I am confident we'll get it to work WAN.

Bandwidth, yeah, that seems to be the next challenge. We've used several setups including the Synology's app DS-Video. Everything works great in 720p but the HD 1080p gets glitchy and I've read forums that my DS412+ just doesn't handle streaming that high bitrate very well.

Thank you so much for your help on this Miguix by the way! I need to figure out how to increase your reputation and this post higher as I believe this thread will help others as well!
(2015-08-03, 16:35)ItsBoaz Wrote: Included port 5005 back into my Kodi share setup screen, port forwarded my router per your instructions, re-mapped the Kodi network share to the main folder "Media" first and then went back in to update to "Media/Movies" after the original path was mapped. Connected instantly and started updating the library no problem.
So the next step is to take it outside my LAN, re-map from the LAN IP to the web portal and verify we are still good. I might need to start from the root folder again to map it but knowing this works LAN I am confident we'll get it to work WAN.

Bandwidth, yeah, that seems to be the next challenge. We've used several setups including the Synology's app DS-Video. Everything works great in 720p but the HD 1080p gets glitchy and I've read forums that my DS412+ just doesn't handle streaming that high bitrate very well.

Thank you so much for your help on this Miguix by the way! I need to figure out how to increase your reputation and this post higher as I believe this thread will help others as well!

Hey ItsBoaz,
Ur most welcome. Always happy to help out a brother in streaming ;-)
Glad it all works. I know ive had my/our share of fun when i took my box over to the inlaws couple of months ago sp we could stream some media from my nas.

I posted something like the above before, will look that up. Interesting to check if the cookbook formula there is the same as the one here :-)

Happy streaming!

I'm glad you have found a solution. I am still struggling unfortunately. I follow all the steps as described but still get the message that it can not connect. I am capable to connect to the server in Finder but using the same data in Kodi I just can't seem to make it work. I use the following settings:

Protocol: Webdav (https)
server address:
Remote path: Volume1 (I try to reach Volume1/video)
Port: 5005
And of course my login credentials

I hope you can help me out as well! Thank in advance though
(2019-01-25, 00:46)ricksam90 Wrote: Remote path: Volume1 (I try to reach Volume1/video)
Then use the full remote path. Synology won't allow access to a full volume.
Unfortunately no, doesn't work. I've added the screenshots, hoping this will clarify some more.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

I can see "add network location" in the master profile but not in any other profiles.  Is there a specific setting that allows you to see "add network location" for all profiles?
one possibly easier solution is to use zerotier, a P2P VPN; clients are available for NASes as well. Just food for thoughts...
(2021-02-13, 10:23)lcapriotti Wrote: one possibly easier solution is to use zerotier, a P2P VPN; clients are available for NASes as well. Just food for thoughts...

Would their free package be sufficient?   That said, I would still like to know why I am unable to see "add network location" in any of the other profiles, except the master...

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synology access outside network1