2016-03-28, 10:10
This looks good, thank you
(2016-04-13, 20:12)zeppy Wrote: Hi.
Well, first thing I do is get the list of installed addons. Then, depending on the objects you want to delete (rollback versions, uninstalled packages, uninstalled addon settings) I compare that list to the list of files I find and if there are files outside the list of installed addons (plus potentially other rules - rollback versions being one of them), I move them.
Can you post the log with the operations performed by the cleanup?
(2016-07-09, 22:31)slymobi Wrote: Thats because you chose to move them. Moving them retains the storage size but deleting will free up the space. What i imagine has happened is that the add-on has emulated what storage would be gained if deleted and give you the 2.7gb recovered message but actually is a false report.
You can safely delete all your thumbnails as they will be re-populated again anyway.
Ive not used this in a long time but general-purpose of cleaners is the same.
Just make sure to reboot after the thumbnails deleting so the essential images re-populate.
Moving is pointless IMO
(2016-07-11, 01:22)OrbS82User Wrote: But i still wonder that he removed about 40k thumbnails? Ive got about 1400 movies and 32 tv shows. And i deleted only 3 movies from my database within the last 12 months. Really strange.