Where and how install inputstream.adaptive addon in KODI
(2020-02-06, 23:13)radkoa Wrote:
(2018-12-13, 10:52)Unknow28 Wrote: Hi,
a message say "missing inputstream.adaptive in your KODI install".
Where can find an install tutorial for this videoplayer inputsream addon?

I'm new with KODI. 

TY for help by advance
sudo apt-get install kodi-inputstream-adaptive 

When I install it on Raspian Stretch I get 2.3.17, which is a very old version. How can I upgrade to the latest?
(2020-12-06, 16:16)a4c8 Wrote:
(2020-02-06, 23:13)radkoa Wrote:
(2018-12-13, 10:52)Unknow28 Wrote: Hi,
a message say "missing inputstream.adaptive in your KODI install".
Where can find an install tutorial for this videoplayer inputsream addon?

I'm new with KODI. 

TY for help by advance
sudo apt-get install kodi-inputstream-adaptive 

When I install it on Raspian Stretch I get 2.3.17, which is a very old version. How can I upgrade to the latest?

Try these commands

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Hi guys,

I have Kodi 18.9 armeabi v7a on android tv. I need to install inputstram adaptive and rtmp inpu, however when I want to install it through official repo I have notification that installation failed. To be fair I have no idea how to complete it. I cannot find any solution over the internet. Could you help to find a solution?
(2021-04-18, 10:26)mata314 Wrote: Hi guys,

I have Kodi 18.9 armeabi v7a on android tv. I need to install inputstram adaptive and rtmp inpu, however when I want to install it through official repo I have notification that installation failed. To be fair I have no idea how to complete it. I cannot find any solution over the internet. Could you help to find a solution?

Adaptive should be installed by default. For RTMP you should be able to install it from the addon menu under install from repository.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Nothing work with Linux Mint 20.1 OEM ...

I found this to get full update / install with inputstream.adaptive installed and kodi 19.1 Matrix working :

1. Launch the Mint Terminal
Launch the terminal from the applications or use the keyboard shortcut. The shortcut to launch the terminal is:
Ctrl + Alt + T

2. Add Kodi’s official PPA repository
To add the official PPA repository use the command:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa

Press enter and continue.

3. Update Repositories
Run the following command to perform a quick update using the apt command:
$ sudo apt update

4. Install Kodi on Linux Mint
Finally, we can install Kodi on Linux Mint using the command:
$ sudo apt install kodi

You will get last kodi official updated with inputstream.adaptive installed and widewine installed at first stream run. IPTV channels work fine, streams work fine..
"Not working" is a tad vague, you might want to show us the actual error..
Yes sorry usually the error was "packet not found" but this steps fixed the issue

it was Mint issue, not Kodi
May I request the 2.4.7 version for Leia is backported to the Ubuntu PPA here (https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archiv...ter=bionic)

The 2.4.6 version does not work for live DASH streams in the iPlayer-WWW add-on, for instance on Ubuntu 18.04.
(2018-12-13, 11:08)Karellen Wrote: It can be installed from the Kodi repository. Go to...

Add-ons > Box Icon top left of the screen > Install from repository > VideoPlayer InputStream > InputStream Adaptive

Hi there,
just a short question - i also try try to install the inputstream-adaptive-addon on my standard Lubuntu-system, but the folder "VideoPlayer InputStream" does not exist in the repository folder in Kodi 19.1.
I managed to install inputstream adaptive on OS-level, but Kodi does not find/exept it.
Does somebody here know how to solve this problem?
Such binary addons are installed from the OS level in Linux as you already found.

Firstly check that it's enabled under Kodi, and if it's not found at all then check whether you installed it from the correct ppa. Also check in the debug log (wiki) for errors (or upload the log to our paste site and give the URL of the upload here and others can check it for you).
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Thanks for your answer DarrenHill!
I reinstalled the "kodi-inputstream-adaptive"-package, which did not lead to success. But then i additional installed the package "kodi-inputstream-ffmpegdirect" which led to dialog-boxes in Kodi and triggered the installation of widevine.
Now everything works as expected.
Hello there. Smile

On my Windows 10 laptop I run KODI 21.1.0.
When I try to enable the InputStream Adaptive addon, I get the message "This addon is not compatible with this KODI version".
Could anyone please help?

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Where and how install inputstream.adaptive addon in KODI0