Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
I can't download installer from official Kodi site
You know i have TV module in this HTPC and i want to use it
I have tuner and network is tuner working on kodi?

Ignore my last reply
(2020-01-02, 15:28)Hyper_RTM Wrote: I have tuner and network is tuner working on kodi?

Sort of.  What actually happens is that you need some software to run on your HTPC that understands how to use the tuner.  This is called a backend.  Using this backend you set up the tuner and what channels you can receive, how to obtain the guide (over-the-air or by scraping a website etc), assign channel icons, recording space etc.

Then in Kodi, you need the appropriate addon installed that connects to this backend.  Once this is installed and configured correctly, then Kodi will be able to show you the live TV signal from the backend tuner, display the guide, schedule recordings etc etc.

It's difficult however to give you any more advice other than generally without knowing what make and model of tuner you have and what Operating System you are either using now or want to use.  There are a few different backends that you can use but they do not all work on the same OS (some are Windows based, some Linux) except for I think NextPVR which is cross-platform.  None of them work on Android currently as far as I know.

See -->> <<-- for more information.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Okay, i know almost everything.

I tell you everything i know about my device then you tell me how i can download and install it

My ,, device " is Hyundai HMB R600K ( thats not a car )

If this help i can send you firmware for it.
But first i must try that nextPVR
This device has Realtek 1283 procesor what version i should download?
(2020-01-03, 00:22)Hyper_RTM Wrote: My ,, device " is Hyundai HMB R600K ( thats not a car )
If this help i can send you firmware for it.
That is a media recorder and player, running on some proprietary software/firmware.
Do not send us any firmware, we will toss it away instantly.

If you have no clue as to which operating system you have on your 'HTPC', the "other OS", then we simply cannot help you.
Thats an STB box manufactured more than 10 years ago, running some kind of custom OS (probably some kind of heavily vendor-mutilated linux).
Was also marketed under Ellion brand.
Edit: CPU is a 400Mhz MIPS with HW video decoders.
This box is EOS/EOL, even vendor website(s) no longer exist.
You can't install Kodi on it.

The best thing you can do with it - use as paperweight, however taking it to some local recycling shop is recommended.

If you want Kodi - do yourself a favor - visit and pick a cheap android box or even better (if you can afford it) build yourself an HTPC and put LibreElec on it.

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I can't download installer from official Kodi site0