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Kodi skin localize VS Code extension
So far 0.1.7 is looking good here.

scott s.

Add go to definition and peek definition for $VAR and $EXP


Wow that's great.  Now if you could tackle includes ---

scott s.
Yep, it's on the list of things to add, let me know if there's anything else that could be useful.
Also would be nice to do the same with $ADDON[addonid number] derived from addonid strings.po.  When doing customized xml for an addon's dialogs it's a pain having to find the addons localized strings (true also for an addon's settings.xml but that isn't much of a skinner's problem).

scott s.
When you say do the same thing with $ADDON do you mean decorate the file or peek/go to their definition?
Just the decoration so I understand what a label is supposed to read.

scott s.
Just found this and installed...what a major help...ty!
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
Working On
: Replacing Embruary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 80% TV Shows: 40% Music: 20%
(2022-05-14, 01:26)scott967 Wrote: Wow that's great.  Now if you could tackle includes ---

scott s.


Add goto definition and peek definition for includes.

Link in first post.
(2024-08-05, 12:05)roidy Wrote:
(2022-05-14, 01:26)scott967 Wrote: Wow that's great.  Now if you could tackle includes ---

scott s.


Add goto definition and peek definition for includes.

Link in first post.

OMFG dude: Legend.....

I've been waiting for something like this... Sooooooooooooo much Fuc ******* ing easier to see things without having to use that worthless search and peck feature in VSCODE.

The one question I did have about this tool, If I have strings in my local language files, particularly English, is there a way to make it look there also for strings vs just the Kodi core english files? Or add an option in setting to allow users to have it look in the lang of their choice (not sure if it supports non english or not)?

This has been a great addon, truly. Thanks for it.
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
Working On
: Replacing Embruary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 80% TV Shows: 40% Music: 20%
Yep, the extension first checks Kodi's built in English language file and then the skins English language file at the following directory, using VSCode's current workspace folder which should be your top level skin folder, ie. skin.madnox, as the root.


You need to open your skin in VSCode using "File->Open Folder" and then selecting your skins top level folder. That way VSCode's workspace folder is correctly set to your skin's root directory.

I've downloaded your Madnox skin from GitHub and everything seems to work fine:-

Here is an example:


Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
Working On
: Replacing Embruary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 80% TV Shows: 40% Music: 20%
(2024-08-05, 15:16)roidy Wrote: You need to open your skin in VSCode using "File->Open Folder" and then selecting your skins top level folder. That way VSCode's workspace folder is correctly set to your skin's root directory.

I've downloaded your Madnox skin from GitHub and everything seems to work fine:-

That is exactly how I do it.

And for almost for the most part, it does work fine, just a few it doesn't.
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
Working On
: Replacing Embruary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 80% TV Shows: 40% Music: 20%
Is there anywhere I can download your version of Madnox with the script-tmdbhelper-recommendations.xml file and current strings.po so I can do some testing.

The current decorator functions are really janky and could do with being rewritten.
Forget that, I see the problem.

The extension looks in resource.language.en_gb your skin uses resource.language.en_us.

I'll make some changes to set the default language and put up a new version.
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Kodi skin localize VS Code extension0