Subtitles from UHD Godfather titles wrong colour compared to disc
Went down the rabbit hole, and: played as HDR > gold color you're expecting, same file played as SDR > gray with a gold hint

Points to sub colors meant for HDR display that are not corrected for sdr. However as brought up earlier, there is no colorimetry info embedded in PGS subs.

So at best we could assume that PGS colors match the video stream they're muxed with. Could probably also check PGS resolution if ffmpeg makes it available (4k = HDR, 1080p and lower = SDR)

The opposite problem would likely happen to stylized subs displayed as HDR.

didn't mean to necro-post, found this topic and link to here through a recent bump somewhere that I can't find anymore :-)
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Subtitles from UHD Godfather titles wrong colour compared to disc0