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v19 Why does the Clean library function not clean?
(2024-11-01, 20:52)kadeschs Wrote: Is the lack of user input on this topic have to do with users assuming the cleaner is already doing these type of functions and haven’t looked closely enough to realize that it isn’t? I also share my video database on MariaDB and made a lot of assumptions initially.

I actually took a look at the KSCleaner code and did some testing.  Path cleaning is included.  I manually created an entry with nothing else pointing to it and it cleaned as the code shows it should.  we'll take further discussions over to the KSCLeaner forum.  There could be something else others are looking for that I am not familiar with.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2024-11-01, 20:52)kadeschs Wrote: Is the lack of user input on this topic have to do with users assuming the cleaner is already doing these type of functions and haven’t looked closely enough to realize that it isn’t? I also share my video database on MariaDB and made a lot of assumptions initially.
Were you able to work out solution?.
Please look here "" and my post #352. This add-on works with some "deeper" understanding of it functions. IMHO it is not 100% (most likelly 99.5%) but it works and alleviate the need to go to database and manually remove entries from some tables.
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma", Cinnamon DE
NVIDIA Shield Pro, OMV NAS, Kodi "Omega", FreeBSD "pfSense Plus" Firewall

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Why does the Clean library function not clean?0