DSTV (Netflix/Prime-like) - Estuary Mod Skin for Kodi 19, 20, 21
The leather is really cool. I tested it out a bit and one observation came to mind. I miss the panorama widget.
Thanks for the feedback Romik, can you link me to or screenshot what you mean by panorama widgets?
panoramic layout arranged horizontally.
The widgets are currently horizontal so im not sure what you mean. Please show me an example
I don't know how to show it. It's about the arrangement of showing them as a landscape. Moreover, they are very small. They are hard to see on a large TV
oh I think I know what you mean now. For the widget items, instead of showing Posters or Squares, you want Landscape images? The landscape images would be the same as the fanart though wouldn't they? Would be kind of hard to tell what the show/movie is just by the fanart :/.

Also, can you let me know what resolution your kodi is running on? it should look the same no matter what size of tv it's on but I wonder if it's not scaling to ratio on a bigger tv....
I'm seeing a message telling me that the menu item has no widgets or the widgets have no content.  Not really experienced with manually creating this sort of thing.  Is  there a way to have the system 'do it for me' or is this one of those deals where I have to basically install the skin and then scrape, starting from a blank slate?  Because right now the presented options while intended to be helpful just confuse me.  If I hit 'OK' as directed I see a settings for the main menu inviting me to edit the menu (with what though?) and there are some widgets apparently already there but set as source to plugin://pugin.video.  If I go back, I can direct myself to the settings but I'm just taking the long way around to the setting previously mentioned.  It doesn't actually instruct me in any way.

The images on the first post look cool and I was optimistic but really the only thing I know to do from here is use settings to revert to a different skin which I imagine is something neither of us really want here.  Could maybe some more detailed instructions be provided?  Thanks.
The skin is only a skin and provides a default suggested layout for widgets. What video plugins/sources you use is entirely up to you and unrelated to the skin and thus nothing by default is populated. You were in the right place when you saw the source of each widget but you'll have to set that source to your plugin/target of choice to populate the actual widgets.

In short, this is not a video plugin, it does not provide and video content, it is merely a skin to allow customizing the menu with widget layouts.
You can try installing TheMovieDB as one such video addon and setting the widget sources to their respective targets in TheMovieDB
OK, that was helpful, I can try that.  Thanks.  I really just didn't know what was expected to be there for that.  Is TMDB a dependency that should have been installed?

EDIT: Okay that simplified things for me.  I'll need to look into  this more in the morning or possibly on Monday when I have some free time.  Thanks again for the explanation.
TMDB is not a dependency. I am infact working on a video plugin called DStealth Helper, which IS a dependency of the skin and comes along with it that provides some video content as trailers but it is not fully completed yet (currently only Movies n TV Shows) and hence I havent updated the widget sources to point there yet. If you'd like to try it simply edit the widget sources and select Add-ons > Video add-ons (bottom option) > DStealth Helper > Movie/TV Shows and select the appropriate widget pages "as widgets" and then return to the home screen for the widgets to reload

A for sure way is always just scrape your local media and this skin is top notch. Just use scrape with local content and everything should be very smooth.
Titan Bingie Mod
Hello! Good super light skin. Thanks! I have a question... Can you set the type of view?
Sorry for the translation. My question is if you can put a fixed view. Thanks.
@Papermi if you mean the widgets to be in a fixed position when going up/down between them, unfortunately no. They are part of a grouplist and cannot be fixed - i did try very hard to accomplish that but could not Sad

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DSTV (Netflix/Prime-like) - Estuary Mod Skin for Kodi 19, 20, 210