2024-08-09, 11:20
Thanks for you tool.
But i have a problem with it, it's not working here....
I copy the textures.xbt from MQ9 mod, to my PC, and i just can't decompile file (textures.xbt).
I downloaded both tools, (x64 and x32) installed x64 and x32 vcredist 2015 and even try vcredist 2015-2022, and theres nothing on the output directory, so i can't figure out what's going wrong..
The tools seems start to descompile, but all it showns it an empty output directory...
When i hit the decompile button, it only takes 1 sec to say that descompilation is complete....textures.xbt file has 264 Mb
Here's the log:
>>> Initialization...
****************** Program Start *****************
Current Time: 2024.08.09-10:15:13
Running Version: v3.0.1
RegRead: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\VC\VCRedist\x86:
>>> System DLL integrity check...
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp140.dll: Installed
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp140.dll: Installed
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VCRUNTIME140.dll: Installed
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VCRUNTIME140.dll: Installed
>>> System DLL integrity check...Passed
>>> Set DEV hot key sequence...
>>> Set DEV hot key sequence... Complete
>>> To enable DEV Mode press and hold the keyboard sequence: "Shift" > "Alt" > "D"
>>> Notification of latest TexturePacker in use and how to fix if issue arises...
10:15:15: User notified vcredist once complete, notification will not re-appear
>>> Notification of latest TexturePacker in use and how to fix if issue arises... Complete
>>> Create temporary local folder "C:\temp"...
>>> Create temporary local folder "C:\temp"... Complete
>>> Copy requisite operational files to non-privileged temporary local folder "C:\temp"...
>>> Copy requisite operational files to non-privileged temporary local folder "C:\temp"... Complete
>>> Get TexturePacker version...
10:15:16: TexturePacker version: v1.1.1.0
10:15:16: TexturePacker modified date: 01-05-2020
10:15:16: TexturePacker status: Stable
10:15:16: TexturePacker file size: 280KB
>>> Get TexturePacker version... Complete
>>> Checking repository for an update...
10:15:16: Automatic software update started - Connecting to server...
10:15:16: No response from server - Check internet connection - (WIP) Function has been temporarily disabled
>>> Create GUI and all user elements...
>>> Create GUI and all user elements... Complete
>>> Initialization... Complete
>>> Ready
****************** Decompile Mode Selected *****************
10:15:25: Decompile mode initiated
10:15:32: Decompile input file: "C:\T\source\Textures.xbt"
>>> Input selection loaded successfully
10:15:35: Path to output directory: "C:\T\decompiled"
10:15:41: Decompile output directory: "C:\T\decompiled"
>>> Output folder destination loaded successfully
>>> Decompilation start button pressed - Decompilation begins
10:15:44: Running command:base.exe "C:\T\source\Textures.xbt" "C:\T\decompiled"
10:15:44: Decompiling...base.exe is running
10:15:45: Decompiling complete...base.exe closed
10:15:45: Opened destination directory
****************** Decompile Complete *****************
>>> Decompile user controls reset for next operation
Any help would be much appreciated...
Thanks for you tool.
But i have a problem with it, it's not working here....
I copy the textures.xbt from MQ9 mod, to my PC, and i just can't decompile file (textures.xbt).
I downloaded both tools, (x64 and x32) installed x64 and x32 vcredist 2015 and even try vcredist 2015-2022, and theres nothing on the output directory, so i can't figure out what's going wrong..
The tools seems start to descompile, but all it showns it an empty output directory...
When i hit the decompile button, it only takes 1 sec to say that descompilation is complete....textures.xbt file has 264 Mb
Here's the log:
>>> Initialization...
****************** Program Start *****************
Current Time: 2024.08.09-10:15:13
Running Version: v3.0.1
RegRead: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\VC\VCRedist\x86:
>>> System DLL integrity check...
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp140.dll: Installed
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp140.dll: Installed
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VCRUNTIME140.dll: Installed
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VCRUNTIME140.dll: Installed
>>> System DLL integrity check...Passed
>>> Set DEV hot key sequence...
>>> Set DEV hot key sequence... Complete
>>> To enable DEV Mode press and hold the keyboard sequence: "Shift" > "Alt" > "D"
>>> Notification of latest TexturePacker in use and how to fix if issue arises...
10:15:15: User notified vcredist once complete, notification will not re-appear
>>> Notification of latest TexturePacker in use and how to fix if issue arises... Complete
>>> Create temporary local folder "C:\temp"...
>>> Create temporary local folder "C:\temp"... Complete
>>> Copy requisite operational files to non-privileged temporary local folder "C:\temp"...
>>> Copy requisite operational files to non-privileged temporary local folder "C:\temp"... Complete
>>> Get TexturePacker version...
10:15:16: TexturePacker version: v1.1.1.0
10:15:16: TexturePacker modified date: 01-05-2020
10:15:16: TexturePacker status: Stable
10:15:16: TexturePacker file size: 280KB
>>> Get TexturePacker version... Complete
>>> Checking repository for an update...
10:15:16: Automatic software update started - Connecting to server...
10:15:16: No response from server - Check internet connection - (WIP) Function has been temporarily disabled
>>> Create GUI and all user elements...
>>> Create GUI and all user elements... Complete
>>> Initialization... Complete
>>> Ready
****************** Decompile Mode Selected *****************
10:15:25: Decompile mode initiated
10:15:32: Decompile input file: "C:\T\source\Textures.xbt"
>>> Input selection loaded successfully
10:15:35: Path to output directory: "C:\T\decompiled"
10:15:41: Decompile output directory: "C:\T\decompiled"
>>> Output folder destination loaded successfully
>>> Decompilation start button pressed - Decompilation begins
10:15:44: Running command:base.exe "C:\T\source\Textures.xbt" "C:\T\decompiled"
10:15:44: Decompiling...base.exe is running
10:15:45: Decompiling complete...base.exe closed
10:15:45: Opened destination directory
****************** Decompile Complete *****************
>>> Decompile user controls reset for next operation
Any help would be much appreciated...