2009-08-07, 17:03
Any change of a preview (alfa-beta) for donators ?
speedway Wrote:Any change of a preview (alfa-beta) for donators ?
Blackbolt Wrote:When we're ready, we'll release it for everyone. We're very close though.
Quote:when we're ready, we'll release it for everyone. We're very close though.
speedway Wrote:Okay, patience it will be... looking forward to it !!
SHen350 Wrote:What? No, no, no. This is the information age! You have to make unreasonable demands and then whine about it when they are not met. How else will they now if you really want it, or are just toying with their emotions?
speedway Wrote:Blackbolt is a man who brings us some life lessons, i.e. "quid" doesn't need to be followed by "pro quo"....so perhaps you can also donate something
mlmc Wrote:Why isnt this skin released yet?! I demand an answer.. and don't give me that 'beta crap'.. I want final version, now!
SHen350 Wrote:Careful, I tried humor, didn't go over well.Maybe everybody should just be polite and ask nicely
XBMCG33K Wrote:It will be released when it's released just like EVERY other skin ever created.like i said in your other thread take your time.