SMB share on XP problem...
#16's my 2cents worth

i had similiar problems using samba shares in the 01-02 cvs build described in earlier posts.. i imported the registry entry from the link above and updated to the 01-07 cvs and using the same .xml , it works great now. samba is 10x faster then when i was using relax .76 - no more need for xns server!

thanks for all your hard work and such a cool app! :d
i tried also to get the shares working in xp.
but i get a strange behavour when i add a share with the admin account to a folder: the admin can access the folder, but when i login as user (not superuser) then i can't access the folder in xp.  the permission was set (by default) to everyone.

i tried also to login by the admin account with the xbox. but no succcess.
is there somewhere a logfile to see what kind of error occured in the xbox? i use 01-07 cvs.
how do i get informations from xp if a loging try occured?

thanks neo

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