2016-04-01, 19:02
I can tell you when i watched a video on kodi then looked for it on my TV it wasn't there. that was about 1 week or so ago.
(2016-03-31, 19:26)*Spider* Wrote:(2016-03-31, 09:08)husseiniq Wrote: No History. When using this addon, any watched video will not be listed in the history. However, watched videos on youtube app or any browser on pc are listed in the history.You can fix this yourself if you go your privacy options in this link and enable it.
If it doesn't work after that then you should logout and login again to YouTube.
If it still doesn't work recheck your settings.
Totally fixable by you and no one else here.
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=contentDetails&mine=true&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
POST https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
"snippet": {
"playlistId": watchHistory_ID,
"resourceId": {
"videoId": video_id,
"kind": "youtube#video"
(2016-04-01, 20:16)jmh2002 Wrote: No problem, I was just trying to ascertain whether Spider had a valid solution or not, because his posts were quite insistent that our settings were wrong...