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xTV (Apple TV take 1 replica/clone) skin is in the XBMC Skinning Project's SVN
Just updated to the latest T3CH release and installed this skin, mighty pleased it looks fantastic and is really easy to use...

However... I might have missed the point completely so go easy on me please.

Is there a way to get at the power and scripts menus without going into the System menu?
r0adrunn8r Wrote:Just updated to the latest T3CH release and installed this skin, mighty pleased it looks fantastic and is really easy to use...

However... I might have missed the point completely so go easy on me please.

Is there a way to get at the power and scripts menus without going into the System menu?

try set your scripts in favorits.. and use the power menu
or you can edit home.xml and relink the youtube button to your scripts
I´ve modivied the 'TV Show' button to run GTRevew Script =p works amazing

I'm having a problem with the Video interface.
I'd like to use, Icon or Coverflow view with DVD's, but i can't get it to show.

I have my movies stored as F:\Videos\filename.iso (and filename.tbn)
but cowerflow doesn't work properly.
If i make F:\Videos\folder\filename.avi (and filename.tbn) it works correctly.

Is it supposed to work this way, or can i do something ?

There are just a couple of things that I would like to be fixed. First of all the choppy scrolling when using the coverflow view. i really dont understand what would be causing it as sometimes it scrolls correctly and sometimes it dosent, strange

secondly if you could fix this:


the edge covers are not as prominent when actually using the skin, but they are still there.

Thanks again CHI3F for all the hard work.
R33Cb7 Wrote:First of all, thanks to all who worked on this skin. This skin is the bomb! It's my default skin! I do however have a small request. A while ago when this skin first came out, there was an intro video mod that came with it. It had the ability to turn off/on the intro video in the skins setting menu. My question is this: Can someone post an xTV download link which has coverflow (video and music) and the into video in it? Thanks a bunch. -Big Grin- g.

Can someone help?
Patiently waiting..........
here the small mod:
  • no intro
based on xTV Revision 1057

have fun Smile
Noob question guys.
I finally popped my cheery last night and updated to the 04/11/07 T3CH build.
To install the xTV skin do I just download from that rapidshare file [what is the minor mod?] and copy it in the skins folder?
Will it work properly with the build I have?

My really small mod is the whole xTV skin based on the actual files. (rev.1057)
Please use the actual xbmc revision:

To your question, I dont know if there are compatibility problems, try to avoid problems with the newest build.


you wont have to wait for a rapidshare upload so try instead:
google: t3ch
empty Wrote:My really small mod is the whole xTV skin based on the actual files. (rev.1057)
Please use the actual xbmc revision:

sorry but being really dense but I don't know what you mean here.
I assume the 2nd bit means don't use your mod [even though I still haven't figured out what the mod is :confused2:]
what is the "official" revision is it the one from October? I donlt know how to use SVN so just d/l a zip off it that was from an article in Oct 2007

first of all this skin REALLY rocks! It is my default ;-)
I love it. i am running build 1062.

I have only two small things...

First, i love the new view with the dvd covers. Will you implemnet smoother enlarging like in PMIII ? This would look nicer, it is only my opionion. Also have cd covers like the dvd covers would be nice... just some thoughts...

Second, is it possible to turn on/off the cover disply in full screen visualisation with a press of a button? this would be cool!

Thanks a loz an keep up your awesome work chi3f!
empty Wrote:here the small mod:
  • no intro
based on xTV Revision 1057

have fun Smile

Thanks empty for your help. I used your version of xTV, but it's not working with the intro "Apple TV" video. Am I doing something wrong, or is this the wrong one? The xTV version I was refering to had the ability to turn on/off the intro video from the skin settings menu. What I was looking for was a version of xTV with coverflow (music and videos) and the ability to add the intro video into the extras folder. Can someone help? -g
Patiently waiting..........
Try this website as about how to install the xTV skin with the intro movie, might be what your looking for Smile

When I get home I will just make one. I don't think you should follow that tut since it is outdated and there have been many changes to xTV since then.
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xTV (Apple TV take 1 replica/clone) skin is in the XBMC Skinning Project's SVN11