2016-01-30, 01:03
What's not working for you then?
I do use an updated version these days -
I do use an updated version these days -
<visible>!Window.IsVisible (startup)</visible>
(2016-02-05, 11:02)Crssi Wrote: Guy... sorry to interupt, but I dont know what I am missing here since this does not work for me... the F6 and F7 doesnt do anything. Can anyone point me out where is my error?
I am on Jarvis RC3
What have I done:
1. Downloaded gotham version form first post
2. Downloaded Hitcher's updated Custom_Overlay.xml posted on http://pastebin.com/jtA0Nd9B
3. Placed Hitcher's updated Custom_Overlay.xml to 1080i folder under the skin I am using (Arctic Zepyr mod from Braz)
4. Placed debuggrid1080.png to skin root folder
5. Placed keymap.xml in %appdata%\kodi\userdata\keymaps folder
Starting kodi... trying F6,F7... nada