OK, so I managed to get 1.22 and everything is working fine. Interestingly, the movie I was testing was still crashing out Kodi (a movie I've already watched) but others are working fine so...take the dependency issue with a grain of salt. :/ Sorry about that.
However...nothing is getting put onto my FTP site
I have error display on and it seems like it's connecting fine (i.e, an error is thrown if I change the IP or similar that it can't connect) but nothing gets uploaded when I play a file or stop playing a file.
Do I need to do something configuration wise to have it send the files after installing the addon? I know there are templates, but I assumed default ones were included at installation.
Edit: And, actually, let me just ask if what I'm trying to do is even possible. I basically want to use this to have the poster be a static name (e.g., always accessible at
FTP://poster.jpg or whatever) so I can display it in ActionTiles as part of a tablet home automation controller. May not be possible so figured I'd just check first.