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[RELEASE] Reddit Reader
I personally prefer this skin.
Hello all,

I created a screensaver addon that calls reddit reader to run its slideshow on a subreddit.

install the same way and then it will be available as a screensaver in the interface settings.

You specify the image source in the screensaver addon settings.
The slideshow settings are in reddit reader.

image source examples:

you can use a single subreddit:
- food
- BookCovers
- earthporn

or combine several subreddits:
- food+foodporn
- fantasy+art+futureporn
- fantasy+art+futureporn/new

as a substitute for deviantart flickr or 500px screensaver. (some domains takes a long time to load, you're limited to reddit posts and can't combine domains)

do advanced queries like:
- ?
- ?q=digital&restrict_sr=on&sort=new

use a user created multireddit:
- user/Re1hak/m/sfwpornpictures
- user/thegrinderofpizza/m/pcpics
- user/sol31N/m/quotes

there are lots of porn subreddit

and for the adventurous:
- random
- randnsfw
Fantastic add-on; I am having one problem though.

I am using Kodi w/ Pulse on an iOS device (iPhone) and I am unable to add/remove/edit the list of subreddits. There is no keypad to press left on when I have the sidebar open. Swiping left also does not bring up the menu. Maybe you could add the option to bring up the add/remove menu when the user long presses the sub name or the sidebar In general?

Thanks for your help!
I don't think kodi have a long press event. I'll try to see how to achieve it with buttons.
On your reddit viewer video add-on I am able to long press which brings up options to edit and some others. To add you just have text which brings up the dialog box. I think that would work well too.
good info on the long press. I never would have known that long press brings up the context menu.

I updated the version that will bring up the manage subreddit dialog when context menu is activated on the subreddit items.
My android phone has wonky screen and my thumb is too big. I could not test it.
let me know if it works for you.
Fantastic it works!! Thank you so much for the fix as well as the prompt reply. It is a little tough to deal with the side menu as you have to press very close to the left edge to bring it up + not select a sub right (if you do it automatically loads it and doesn't allow you to select). Thanks again, you're the man.
Actually just realized there was an option enabled by default to 'skip subreddit selection screen'... Disabling this option allows you to manage and navigate the subreddit list much easier. It's perfect now!!!
I'm glad it worked out. hope you don't mind that screen I never really got to making a proper ui for it.

the popup for the side menu was for mouse or keyboard. it is only about 20 px wide if your screen is in 1920x1280.
I was surprised that you were able to summon it with touchscreen.
hey can you please explain how could we customize thanks
You want to create a custom shortcut that only shows posts that link to

from the reddit screen, press the left arrow or move your mouse to the left edge of the screen.
The left slide menu should open up. select a subreddit shortcut and click the [c]ontext menu button or the left arrow again (or long press for touch screens).

add a new subreddit and enter

The addon uses another addon called youtube_dl to parse and play links from
I tested it right now and not all links from videosift.con can be played.
Hello, I am looking for compenents for an amateur mass-media station. I already have 24/7 web-radio, but for the mobile app I want to add videoblog content and some sort of RSS ticker for written news. Squeezing all of that into an app would be expensive so I thought maybe to switch from Icecast and use the Kodi platform with a scaled-down Android and iOS version of your Reddit Reader app. Could that be a good idea?
I don't know how you can use the addon to work with your mass media station but you're welcome to use any part of my addon for your purpose.
Just do your best to follow the GPL v2 license or its spirit.
Just discovered this addon, it's amazing! Thanks so much for creating this.

I have one question, when I use the Play All, most content is doubled in the playlist and plays twice, any way to fix this?
If the link is a gif, I have it default to play one more time.
It is on Settings-General-Repeat gif playback
set it to 0

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[RELEASE] Reddit Reader0