Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Testbuild rev #12563
The default needs to be changed (GUISettings.cpp) as well if it is not already done.
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Must say this is nearly perfect now Big Grin

One thing. I have a Dreambox, and it is possible to add Tuxbox share in My Videos. This doesnt work ? Any ideas how to get this to work? (Works on my Xbox)

If we get this to work, the port to PC would be perfect in my eyes Cool
I have audio issues with this build, haven't tested a recent build on this computer in months, and it have never worked previously so it's nothing new. I ask this now since I know Wiso has done some audio work in the last releases.

I have a ATI HD2600 PRO and I'm using it's soundcard capabilities with the DVI -> HDMI adapter. If I select analog I get 2.0 sound (only front left- and right channels thou, no downmixing) but if I select digital the movie starts right away, in double speed, and after a second or so the "Opening file..." box pops up and after a couple more seconds the movie stops. You can select "Cancel" but the box never disappers, so XBMC is not freezing totaly, but after that I have to kill the application.

Don't know if the HD2X00 series can handle passthrou, I think it only supports AC3 as output, I have to use ac3filter to get sound in MPC.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, as I don't understand how DLLs work at all, but...

Couldn't we just rename an appropriate Windows DirectX DLL to xbox_dx8.dll and drop it in the correct folder to get the T3ch builds working on the Win32 port using DirectX?

Or is the interface completely different?

NOT, couse xbox_dx8.dll has different functional than any windows dll files.

winamp visualization is not works if i just rename it to vis Sad
wtf gave you the idea that you could just rename winamp vis'es ?
No, i just try myself - just experiment

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Testbuild rev #125630