Hi everyone,
After a while I'm back again with a new version of xbTweet.
It managed to generate a few users and I hope you're all enjoying it, keep posting feedback and feature requests.
You can grab the new version from
here. I'll take about a week to work on translations and minor bug fixes you'll find (hopefully) before I upload it to SVN REPO.
This version highlights:
- Notifications from your timeline
- Proxy accounts
- OAuth support for XBOX and Linux users
- Better information links
- More user interface
- Multiple path exclusions
- Many small bug fixes and updates
Receive notifications while watching movies or playing music.
You can specify when and how you wish to be notified about in the script's settings page.
Proxy Accounts
You can now setup two different acccounts on xbTweet, one for tweeting what you're playing and the other for receiving timeline notifications.
OAuth support for XBOX and Linux users
XBOX and Linux users can now obtain an OAuth PIN code from twitter using the Project's (xbtweet.googlecode.com) wiki page dedicated for it.
Better information links
Let your followers to read more about what you're playing.
When activated in the script's setting page, xbTweet will include a short link in your tweets that will take your followers to imdb/thetvdb.com/last.fm to read more about the content.
User interface
You can now be better informed about any authentication issues with Twitter, follow the on-screen instructions in case you need to.
Multiple path exclusions
Now you can specify up to 3 different paths to exclude.
Just use the script's settings page to specify what paths you wish excluded, note that this includes sub-folders.
I also need your help with translations and I'll post it on a
different thread so it gets a bigger audience.