Thanks for all you statements!!!
@ zwat:
thx, i will do that 1080 logo in 720 style... can understand cause the 720, 576 etc flags are more simple and easy....
thx for the grid idea... but i think it looks more crowdy and confusing... but you are absolutly right with the square in the middle! But your idea sais me to think about the sound flags
but only the number, i think that is too boring...
the 1080 logo will be changed, i also thing about an new half-color flash flag... and the BD logo, yes your right... but dvd, no this logo has no color...
and of course, feel free to use them for your MOD- makes me proud!
thx, but "hate" is a very hard word... thank you for strongly criticize in this way my work!
my intension to create some new flags is to fit to night: clean and easy, good recognition cause using known logos - but not boring and stupid!
i dont like the simple numbers and non-consequent color design, there are 3 of 6 flags on my screen in that too-easy colored numbers...
i think, a small and known sign in combination with easy to read numbers, i still clean but not boring - so it fits perfectly to night!
but in the end, mcborzu can und will choose his favourite flag set... so i can only offer an alternative... and think is is not the worst think to think about an improvement...