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[RELEASE] ShareThe.TV (Addon) - Share & Sync Movie Collection Listings Online
ady199 Wrote:For some reason the plugin has stopped working - I've just updated my collection with another 4 movies (The Fast and the Furious collection) but for some reason, my profile is not updating to reflect this.

My profile is showing 261 movies but I have 266.

I've manually run the plugin but it's still not updating.

Edit: I've now uploaded 1 more movie to my collection - Still not working. I've un-installed and then re-installed the ShareThe.TV plugin but it's still not working

Here is my log file:-


It was working yesterday..............


All sorted now - Thanks Nick
Could someone post the ZIP file for this, or could we look at adding Eden repository support?

Many thanks!
Proud to have software induced insomnia.

looks good
but from my 1200 movie database only 20 were added to the library... any info y ?
it shows no errors
I am running XBMC PRE-11.0 from June 23 (its what NitoTV updates to with my version of Darwin on atv2).

Unfortunately I don't see the plugin from any of my repositories. Anyone know how to add it ?
I think that this project is stopped


Author last appearance: 2011-07-29 04:43

ShareThe.TV's script addon is and always has been on Github.

Not reckoning it'll be working much longer, if at all. Perhaps Nick will be forced to update it soon (he is still using it, check his Movie Libray!)

Wanna try it on Eden -

Erm, my ATV2 (Nightly 13th November 2011) has ShareThe.TV plugin installed and it is also reading from my MySQL database.
Looks like Nick does not need to make any updates just yet -

If it's not broke, dont fix it...!!!

My widget also just updated too. Just lacks a notification in XBMC by the looks.

Those having problems, if you have just installed it, you need to enable it by clicking it once in the Programs menu. It will look like it's not doing anything, but it is. If you fail to do this - ShareThe.TV's plugin will also fail to autorun.
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So is this still being developed?
I actively make sure the site stays up and running, and it's actually been running very smoothly on it's own for a couple of months now. I've had a couple of people email me about Eden... as DejaVu said, it works in Eden fine if you install from zip. To submit to the Eden repos though I'll have to rewrite a couple of methods that query the movie list, since they query the database directly which is highly discouraged.

I haven't gotten around to doing that, but I do intend to eventually... it just feels like a lot of work Smile. I've been enjoying watching lots of movies in the mean time.
DejaVu Wrote:Wanna try it on Eden -

I installed it from zip, enabled it, set my email and password. When I click on the icon to run it in Eden, it does nothing.
Only just discovered this - fantastic add-on!

I signed up on the website, downloaded and installed the Add-on from zip file into Eden Beta1, configured the Add-on with my website login details - and voila - online movie library!

I did have the click on the addon in Program Addons, and also reboot before it appeared online.
TheDuffman, I don't know if you are taking requests but it would be really useful if it displayed resolution (ie HD/SD flag) and watched status. I know you can't get this from TMDB but this could I assume be uploaded from XBMC with the movie ID.

Thanks for a great Addon.

I thought it did nothing. Going to the site does in fact show my library.
So are there any privacy settings for this to limit it to just friends or needing a password/different passswords? I'll be honest as not all my video is legit (I download it when it comes out then buy at release) and I'd rather not have it show up "before" it could possibly be available retail
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[RELEASE] ShareThe.TV (Addon) - Share & Sync Movie Collection Listings Online7