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Release skin helper service
Excellent! I got Embuary Helper displaying up to three countries...text and flags. Thanks for the suggestion!
Hello, I have translated the PlugIn skin backup for those who may be interested.

Decompress and copy on the route…

Spanish skin backup
Hello @Angelinas,and @Fuchs2468,
in some cases the following error appears randomly, on CoreELEC if that matters. Can anyone help? Is this critical or can I ingnore it?

2024-05-28 08:53:13.839 T:3744 info <general>: [ script.embuary.info ] Refreshing next airing database
2024-05-28 08:53:13.973 T:3747 error <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <class 'AttributeError'>
Error Contents: 'datetime.timedelta' object has no attribute 'tzinfo'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/service.py", line 10, in <module>
from resources.lib.main_service import MainService
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.service/resources/lib/main_service.py", line 16, in <module>
from metadatautils import MetadataUtils
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.metadatautils/lib/metadatautils.py", line 10, in <module>
import helpers.kodi_constants as kodi_constants
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.metadatautils/lib/helpers/kodi_constants.py", line 10, in <module>
from .utils import KODI_VERSION
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.metadatautils/lib/helpers/utils.py", line 13, in <module>
import arrow
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.arrow/lib/arrow/__init__.py", line 2, in <module>
from .api import get, now, utcnow
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.arrow/lib/arrow/api.py", line 12, in <module>
from arrow.arrow import TZ_EXPR, Arrow
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.arrow/lib/arrow/arrow.py", line 1886, in <module>
Arrow.max = Arrow.fromdatetime(dt_datetime.max)
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.arrow/lib/arrow/arrow.py", line 324, in fromdatetime
if dt.tzinfo is None:
AttributeError: 'datetime.timedelta' object has no attribute 'tzinfo'
-->End of Python script error report<--

2024-05-28 08:53:16.739 T:3744 info <general>: [ script.embuary.info ] Finished next airing database refreshing

Thank you
(2024-05-28, 19:45)Park Wrote: Hello @Angelinas,and @Fuchs2468,
in some cases the following error appears randomly, on CoreELEC if that matters. Can anyone help? Is this critical or can I ingnore it?

This error is caused by "script.module.arrow" not by "SHS".
It seems to be a known problem though.
I am currently using version "1.2.3" of "script.module.arrow" with Kodi (Matrix, Nexus and Omega).
I haven't had this error for a long time.
Thank you for your answer but the 1.2.3 is already installed.
Hi, hope this is the right Thread.

I regulary get errors/warnings from the widgets Addon.
Quote:2024-06-01 22:46:35.109 T:17413 warning <general>: script.skin.helper.widgets --> Exception details: Type: TypeError Value: 'NoneType' object is not iterable Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.widgets/resources/lib/main.py", line 171, in show_widget_listing
all_items = getattr(media_class, action)()
File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.widgets/resources/lib/media.py", line 251, in similar
all_items += self.tvshows.similar()
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
2024-06-01 22:46:35.374 T:17429 info <general>: Skin Helper Service --> Skin Helper Service version 1.30.0 started
2024-06-01 22:46:36.878 T:17354 info <general>: Loading skin file: DialogMediaSource.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2024-06-01 22:46:38.874 T:17354 info <general>: Loading skin file: FileBrowser.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2024-06-01 22:46:39.357 T:17462 warning <general>: script.skin.helper.widgets --> Exception details: Type: TypeError Value: 'NoneType' object is not iterable Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.widgets/resources/lib/main.py", line 171, in show_widget_listing
all_items = getattr(media_class, action)()
File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.skin.helper.widgets/resources/lib/media.py", line 259, in similarshowsandmovies
all_items += self.tvshows.similar()
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Full Log
(2024-06-01, 23:14)WhoEver Wrote: Hi, hope this is the right Thread.

I regulary get errors/warnings from the widgets Addon.

You are using the skin "Titan BINGIE MOD" and your SHS addons are all from the Titan-Binge repo.
You should ask here because they have been modified and no longer match the original.

As mentioned in my other music post, I've installed the copy of the SHS included within your repo and have seen a couple of issues relating to fetching PVR artwork:-
1) Fetching artwork seems to be quite slow, when doing a manual look-up. It seems to be considerably slower, compared to the previous SHS version I was using at actioning a programme selection and then displaying the artwork. I have also included my OMDB API key to see if that would make any difference, but can't really see any huge improvement currently. Do you find that you suffer with slow response times for fetching PVR artwork?

2) If I have a programme with the word 'New:' in front of the programme title, no artwork is fetched. If I do a manual search for a programme title called 'New:Love Island', the search field is populated with the word 'new' and not 'Love Island'. I think I correctly stripped out the phrase 'New:' in the advanced settings, so wanted to ask if you had experienced the same issue and how I might resolve this from happening? It would be a pain having to type the full programme title on the search bar every time I did a manual search.

3) A long standing annoyance I've seen is when using PVR artwork and ratings on my OSD during playback. Whilst this does work, the SHS artwork and rating is generally not shown when a live TV channel is first activated. But if I switch to another channel, then back to the first, both the artwork and ratings are then shown. Is this something you have maybe seen as well? I haven't checked since I installed your copy of the SHS, so perhaps the problem has gone away, but was interested in knowing if you had seen the issue as well?

Any thoughts or feedback would be much appreciated.
(2024-06-09, 13:12)Dumyat Wrote: @Fuchs2468
As mentioned in my other music post, I've installed the copy of the SHS included within your repo and have seen a couple of issues relating to fetching PVR artwork:-
1) Fetching artwork seems to be quite slow, when doing a manual look-up. It seems to be considerably slower, compared to the previous SHS version I was using at actioning a programme selection and then displaying the artwork. I have also included my OMDB API key to see if that would make any difference, but can't really see any huge improvement currently. Do you find that you suffer with slow response times for fetching PVR artwork?

2) If I have a programme with the word 'New:' in front of the programme title, no artwork is fetched. If I do a manual search for a programme title called 'New:Love Island', the search field is populated with the word 'new' and not 'Love Island'. I think I correctly stripped out the phrase 'New:' in the advanced settings, so wanted to ask if you had experienced the same issue and how I might resolve this from happening? It would be a pain having to type the full programme title on the search bar every time I did a manual search.

3) A long standing annoyance I've seen is when using PVR artwork and ratings on my OSD during playback. Whilst this does work, the SHS artwork and rating is generally not shown when a live TV channel is first activated. But if I switch to another channel, then back to the first, both the artwork and ratings are then shown. Is this something you have maybe seen as well? I haven't checked since I installed your copy of the SHS, so perhaps the problem has gone away, but was interested in knowing if you had seen the issue as well?

Any thoughts or feedback would be much appreciated.

You also need a TMDB API key, otherwise you will have a delay when retrieving the graphics because without your own API key there is a rate limit built in.

You have to adjust "Characters to strip from title" and "Split title on character (use only first part)" correctly.
Then it should work.
for example:
Replace the colon in "Split title on character (use only first part)" with another character.

Yes, that can sometimes happen. I just tested it on mine.
The graphics were there immediately on 10 out of 11 channels.
I think that's a very good result.

Here are 2 videos for 1. and 3.
These links are active for 2 days.

Thanks very much for the video links. Things work very well on your system... Wink

Well, the good news is the speed of fetching artwork has now dramatically improved after inputting my personal key, so this no longer an issue.

Now for the bad news. I still can't get the word 'New:' to be stripped out from the beginning of the title. I have exactly the same config on the bottom 3 rows as shown in your image.
I tried doing what you said by replacing the colon on the "Split title on character (use only first part)" option with another character, but as you can probably see there is no colon in this field to replace. It's an open bracket symbol, which is the same as I have. Thinking you might have meant to say open bracket, I replaced this with colon, but it made no difference.
I then set things back to how they were previously with the open bracket and replaced the colon with a * symbol on the 'Characters to strip from title' option thinking that was perhaps that was what you might have also meant to say. This resulted in the search returning just the word 'New'.
Anyway, all I really need to do is select the home key on my keyboard when I open the search bar and then just delete the word 'New:'
Just a bit of a minor annoyance having to pick my keyboard up each time.....but I guess that's me just getting lazy!  Smile

As for number 3, no difference for me when opening channels. Maybe this is down to using multiple options for PVR artwork and skin helper artwork is number 3 in the ordering priority. maybe that could be the root cause I guess.

PS: Am I right in thinking you had success in getting fanart/landscape images to work again for the PVR widgets?
(2024-06-09, 22:07)Dumyat Wrote: Now for the bad news. I still can't get the word 'New:' to be stripped out from the beginning of the title.

Explained better again.

The standard setting for "Split title on character (use only first part)" is a colon.

Your example is "New:Love Island"
This means SHS cuts out everything after the colon and only searches for "New".
You can avoid this by replacing the colon with an open bracket ( .
Now "New Love Island" should appear in the manual search.

Now for the second problem, I just noticed that @Angelinas had deactivated the function "Characters to strip from title".

I did a quick test.
Here is my solution that should solve your problem.

go to: "\addons\script.module.metadatautils\lib\helpers\pvrartwork.py"
- search (line:359)
#title = re.sub(self._mutils.addon.getSetting("pvr_art_stripchars"), '', title)
replace with:
title = re.sub(self._mutils.addon.getSetting("pvr_art_stripchars"), '', title)

Now go to "Characters to strip from title" in the settings of "script.module.metadatautils" and add |new:.
Now your settings should look like this (see image).
After the changes, the manual and automatic search should look for "Love Island".

A test report would be nice.

(2024-06-09, 22:07)Dumyat Wrote: PS: Am I right in thinking you had success in getting fanart/landscape images to work again for the PVR widgets?
Yes, it has been working great since Kodi Nexus.
(2024-06-10, 02:31)Fuchs2468 Wrote: A test report would be nice.
YaY!.....Thanks so much for the revised explanation. This really helped.
Programmes with 'New:' and also where a colon is used are now being stripped from the programme title. It actually feels a bit weird with my guide now being populated automatically in most cases where these conditions apply.... Smile Is it maybe an idea to get the addon updated with the python file edit, so that other users don't have the same issue?

Couple of small quirks I noticed. Quite a lot of my epg genres are listed as 'News / Current Affairs' and these programmes were not fetching artwork. When I did a manual search I got the pop-up dialog saying a filter had been applied (News / Sport). When I removed the news filter, I still kept getting the same pop-up dialog appearing. However, when I disabled the option to skip 'news/weather/sports/commercial' this dialog did disappear and the artwork was fetched automatically. Just means I'm not not skipping weather/sports or commercial now. Maybe this is something that needs to addressed/looked at for future updates?

One of the programmes I had in my guide was the US TV Show 'The Rookie', but the SHS identified the 1991 movie with Clint Eastwood. I was able to do a manual search and select the TV show and the poster artwork I wanted to use, but this is not getting applied. Is that something you have perhaps experienced as well?

Great news about the Live TV widgets being able to display SHS artwork again. I remember it used to use a web service, which required a different label to be used. Is that still the case?

The icing on the cake would be getting the next-up artwork available as well for the TV channels.xml. Somebody posted on my skin thread a long time ago a reasonable idea/solution to getting this info, by calling the next-up item on the EPG screen as this already known. More details here on the original post:-
What do you think? Is this worth exploring further?

Many thanks again for all your great feedback and assistance.
This was very much appreciated  Smile
Is anybody else experiencing problems with getting fanart to display?
Since upgrading to Nexus and latest SHS version, I don't seem to be getting any online fanart being returned when using the Radio.de light addon (Original Radio addon is now broken). 
I am getting album cover and artist clearlogo returned, so the issue only seems to be with fanart.
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