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IPTV Simple now supports Catchup and Timeshifted Catchup in Kodi Matrix
(2023-09-28, 05:46)fbagnato Wrote: Hi all,

I have the Red Bull TV addon that is showing up as Catchup enabled (has the Green dot against the programmes in the EPG).

It is the only channel showing up as Catchup enabled.

I cannot get Catchup to work on it.

My Catchup settings are as follows:

Enable catchup = On
- Query format screen = &utc={utc}&lutc={lutc}
- Catchup windows = 5 days
Channels support catchup using mode = Default
- Include channels = with catchup mode
Catchup correction = 0.0 hours

Watch From EPG:
Play from EPG in Live mode (using timeshift) = On
- Buffer before program start = 5 min (setting greyed out)
- Buffer after program end = 15 min (setting greyed out)
Catchup only available on finished programmes = Off

The playlist.m3u8 entry for Red Bull TV is as follows:

#EXTINF:-1 catchup="vod" group-title="Red Bull TV" tvg-chno="88" tvg-id="redbulltv" tvg-logo="C:\Users\Flavio\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.redbull.tv\resources\media\icon.png" tvg-name="Red Bull TV" , Red Bull TV

I noticed it has catchup="vod" in the entry but cannot find any posts in this thread that reference catchup="vod".

Is there a way to make Catchup work with the Red Bull TV channel?

What settings do I need to make it work?

Or, is catchup="vod" not supported in IPTV Simple?



It definitely is, in fact it’s the only place it’s supported. It’s was implemented specially for plug-in URLs.

What do you mean by get it to work? Does the programme play at all? Or what happens?

You might not be able to play it as live TV, try setting that option off.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Hello phunkyfish,

Thanks for your reply.

When I select "Play Programme" on a current or older programme I just get an error.

I have uploaded the  logfile to jizijiquho (paste)

I have also emailed Red Bull TV and they said that Red Bull TV is linear so Catchup is not supported but if that is true why do the Red Bull program entries show with a Green Dot next to them and the playlist.m3u8 entry have the value catchup="vod" in it?
Quote:You might not be able to play it as live TV, try setting that option off.
How do I do that?


To change the option go to the addon settings:

“Watch From EPG:
Play from EPG in Live mode (using timeshift) = Off”

Note there are two different types of catchup. Basic catchup lets you play programmes in the past, just like videos. This is the VOD kind.

Timeshifted catchup treats a channel like a huge buffer and you can skip forward and back in history between programmes. All without going back to the guide.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Hello phunkyfish,

Thanks for your reply.

I changed that setting but I still get an error.

The error occurs playing the current programme from the start or trying to play a previous programme.

I tried the Timeshifting from within the current programme and it just hangs Kodi.

Maybe Red Bull TV does not support catchup even though the playlist.m3u8 entry for Red Bull TV has the catchup="vod" flag?


That’s possible.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
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IPTV Simple now supports Catchup and Timeshifted Catchup in Kodi Matrix1