I've submitted the manual rating code, for those that want to test it before it gets merged (if it does), or after (if it is), below is how to use it.
Manual Rating
Supported methods:
To rate the currently selected item:
To give the selected item a direct rating (between 1 and 10 inclusive):
To rate a specific item, this is for skin support:
To give a specific item a direct rating (between 1 and 10 inclusive), this is for skin support:
To unrate the currently selected item:
To unrate a specific item, this is for skin support:
Rating the currently selected item only works in the various video library views, so either Movies, or TV Shows. It will only work on library items, it will not be updated to work on non-library items as there are just to many plugins out there to do this effectively.
The best way to use this feature, would be to add a custom mapping to your keyboard.xml. For example, in testing, I used the key V to trigger a manual rate.
You could probably be more specific where this goes in your keyboard.xml (MyVideoLibrary section for instance).
As for skin support, the specific item rating is what would be best used. The best spot this could be added would be the information screen that is pulled up on an item, where you can reload information, see actors and such; by adding a button called "Rate on trakt" or something along those lines, which triggers the manual rating.
Using the unrate action, would be the same as the rate action, one could assign another key to unrate.
If providing a specific rating for an item, only the advanced rating scale (1 to 10) is supported.
Also note, that if you have re-rating enabled, selecting the same rating will unrate the item, this is the same behaviour as it is on the website.
So you will either need to wait for your favorite skin to add support, or modify it yourself.
Hope everyone enjoys it, and I think I covered whats needed to get it to work.