2011-01-10, 23:46
Hrm i got mine to pull all english, i had to go in there a couple of times and make sure i wasnt missing any settings.
Thare187 Wrote:Didn't you just take this from the post right above you? Jonte511?
Rebel4477 Wrote:I need some clarification on this? Extract Ember Revisited and Rogue Scraper .dll into Ember 1.3.2441 folder. But then it says to go to the folder "\$_OUTDIR\Ember Media Manager\" and copy the contents to your EMM Revisited folder, overwriting all files when asked. Are we supposed to be extracting files into two different folders Thanks
ShizzlePDX503 Wrote:So I got a hold of the source code for EMM and fiddling around with it and going to try fixing it / updating it. I started adding a music section to it but still having issues with the conversion process since it was originally programmed in an older version of Visual Studio then what I have so I am trying to sort these issues out and I hope to have something put together soon.
So from a general consensus that I have gotten from skimming through these posts is that the scrapers need to be fixed/updated. Am I correct on this? I will most likely hold off on the addon stuff until I get everything else fixed, which is being a little difficult at the moment cause of the conversion issues I am having but as soon as I get those ironed out then I can fix some to the other issues.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Pro by the way.
kysersosai Wrote:No. And the part i did i credited.
Thare187 Wrote:It was word for word from that post. Now you have credited him after you changed some words around. The edited time stamp never lies
Jocker_Boy Wrote:Hello.
Is there a way to scapper always the "English Title"?
For example, when i run the scapper, the movie "The Banquet (2006)", shows in EMM as "Yen yan (2006)", but i want to show as "The Banquet (2006)", when i go to settings in movie and in the section of scrapper, there isn't "English" or "International", the most similar is "USA" or "UK", but some of this moveis have diferente titles...
Sorry for my portuguese.
MikeM Wrote:There is a checkbox "Force Title Language" in Settings -->Movies --> Scrapers Data. Did you try this ?
Jocker_Boy Wrote:Yes, i tried.
But i don't have "english" option, or "international", i have "USA" or "UK" among others....
That was the exact place i tried, sorry for my explication, but i'm writing from work and don't have emm here.
<Setting Section="*EmberAPP" Name="ForceTitle">International</Setting>
<Setting Section="*EmberAPP" Name="ForceTitle">Argentina|Australia|Belgium|Brazil|Canada: English title|Canada: French title|Finland|France|Germany|Hong Kong|Iceland|Ireland|Netherlands|New Zealand|Peru|Portugal|Singapore|South Korea|Spain|Sweden|Switzerland|UK|USA|International</Setting>
MikeM Wrote:Ok, now i gotcha. ;-)
You can overwrite the built-in title languages by adding the following line to the advancedsettings.xml in the application dir:
Code:<Setting Section="*EmberAPP" Name="ForceTitle">International</Setting>
If you want to keep the built-in languages the line should look like this:
Code:<Setting Section="*EmberAPP" Name="ForceTitle">Argentina|Australia|Belgium|Brazil|Canada: English title|Canada: French title|Finland|France|Germany|Hong Kong|Iceland|Ireland|Netherlands|New Zealand|Peru|Portugal|Singapore|South Korea|Spain|Sweden|Switzerland|UK|USA|International</Setting>
HTH Mike