Release Weather.MetOffice
Hi Gladfelder,

The regions should be selectable and if nothing is changing then something went wrong.

I can see this addon isn't working in 17.1 under Estuary, the new default skin. I'm now updating, so watch this space!
Don't know if this is still supported, but I am currently getting 'http error 403: forbidden'. I think it's connected to the datapoint
Emby, NVIDIA Shield, QNAP
Are you using your own API Key?

It looks like they've closed the account associated with the api key in the repo, probably due to unfair usage. Sad

I recommend signing up for a datapoint account here

And then paste the api key found on into the settings in Kodi.
(2017-05-03, 14:05)Gladfelder Wrote: UK region settings
Does anybody know where to find a list of valid regions to input for the UK?
I am in Devon so I tried southwest England but nothing changes. Still set to London and southeast england
Without this the app is useless.
Don't know if you are still interested in this but Exeter Airport is probably your best location. You need a key from the met office before anything will work at all.

But after all the hassle the forecasts are not really that great any way. With Yahoo I got precipitation % but nothing at all from the met office.

The metoffice weather stations nearly all seem to be in airports but not many of the larger ones.

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