I am not a programmer as I guess you already know, but I can cut and paste ;-)
Here is my original library.py and the one that I tried to edit but did not work for me.
---------------------------------------- START Original -----------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2012 Team-XBMC
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This script is based on service.skin.widgets
# Thanks to the original authors
import os
import sys
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcvfs
import random
from time import gmtime, strftime
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
import simplejson as json
import json
__addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon()
class LibraryFunctions():
def __init__(self):
self.WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
self.LIMIT = int(__addon__.getSetting("limit"))
self.RECENTITEMS_UNPLAYED = __addon__.getSetting("recentitems_unplayed") == 'true'
self.RANDOMITEMS_UNPLAYED = __addon__.getSetting("randomitems_unplayed") == 'true'
def _get_data(self, query_type, useCache):
# Check if data is being refreshed elsewhere
for count in range(31):
data = self.WINDOW.getProperty(query_type+"-data")
if data != "LOADING":
return data if (data or count) else None
if useCache:
# Check whether there is saved data
if self.WINDOW.getProperty(query_type + "-data") is not "":
return self.WINDOW.getProperty(query_type + "-data")
# We haven't got any data, so don't send back anything
return None
# Common infrastructure for all queries: Use the cache if specified, set the property
# to "LOADING" while the query runs, set the timestamp and property correctly
def _fetch_items(self, useCache=False, prefix=None, queryFunc=None):
data = self._get_data(prefix, useCache)
if data is not None:
return data
self.WINDOW.setProperty(prefix+"-data", "LOADING")
rv = queryFunc() # Must return a unicode string (json-encoded data)
self.WINDOW.setProperty(prefix+"-data", rv)
self.WINDOW.setProperty(prefix, strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",gmtime()))
return rv
# Common properties used by various types of queries
movie_properties = [ "title", "originaltitle", "votes", "playcount", "year", "genre", "studio", "country", "tagline", "plot", "runtime", "file", "plotoutline", "lastplayed", "trailer", "rating", "resume", "art", "streamdetails", "mpaa", "director", "writer", "cast", "dateadded" ]
tvepisode_properties = [ "title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer", "cast", "dateadded", "lastplayed" ]
tvshow_properties = [ "title", "studio", "mpaa", "file", "art" ]
music_properties = [ "title", "playcount", "genre", "artist", "album", "year", "file", "thumbnail", "fanart", "rating", "lastplayed" ]
album_properties = [ "title", "description", "albumlabel", "theme", "mood", "style", "type", "artist", "genre", "year", "thumbnail", "fanart", "rating", "playcount"]
# Common sort/filter arguments shared by multiple queries
recent_sort = {"order": "descending", "method": "dateadded"}
unplayed_filter = { "field": "playcount", "operator": "lessthan", "value":"1" }
inprogress_filter = {"field":"inprogress", "operator":"true", "value":"" }
# Construct a JSON query string from the arguments, execute it, return UTF8
def json_query(self, method, unplayed=False, properties=None, sort=False,
query_filter=False, limit=False, params=False):
"""method: Name of JSON method to call. unplayed: true if only unplayed results should be returnd. properties: a list of property names to return, often one of the above lists of common properties. sort: a sort order (e.g. the above recent_sort). query_filter: a filter to apply to search results; see the unplayed/inprogress_filter examples above. limit: if specified, a number of query results to return. Otherwise self.LIMIT is used. args: An optional dictionary of arguments that will override those we automatically construct. Many of these have default values of False, which will cause sensible defaults to be selected--if you want to override and omit the value entirely, pass in None instead of False"""
# Set defaults if not all arguments are passed in
if sort is False:
sort = { "method": "random" }
if properties is None:
properties = self.movie_properties
if unplayed and not query_filter:
query_filter = self.unplayed_filter if not query_filter else { "and":[self.unplayed_filter, query_filter] }
json_query = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": method, "params": {} }
# As noted in the docstring, False = use a default, None=omit entirely
if properties is not None:
json_query["params"]["properties"] = properties
if limit is not None:
json_query["params"]["limits"] = {"end":limit if limit else self.LIMIT}
if sort is not None:
json_query["params"]["sort"] = sort
if query_filter:
json_query["params"]["filter"] = query_filter
if params:
json_string = json.dumps(json_query)
rv = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json_string)
return unicode(rv, 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
# These functions default to random items, but by sorting differently they'll also be used for recent items
def _fetch_random_movies(self, useCache = False, sort=False, prefix="randommovies"):
unplayed_flag = self.RANDOMITEMS_UNPLAYED if prefix=="randommovies" else self.RECENTITEMS_UNPLAYED
def query_random_movies():
return self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetMovies", unplayed=unplayed_flag, sort=sort)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, prefix, query_random_movies)
def _fetch_random_episodes(self, useCache = False, sort=False, prefix="randomepisodes"):
unplayed_flag = self.RANDOMITEMS_UNPLAYED if prefix=="randomepisodes" else self.RECENTITEMS_UNPLAYED
def query_randomepisodes():
return self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", unplayed=unplayed_flag, properties=self.tvepisode_properties, sort=sort)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, prefix, query_randomepisodes)
def _fetch_random_songs(self, useCache = False, sort=False):
def query_randomsongs():
return self.json_query("AudioLibrary.GetSongs", unplayed=self.RANDOMITEMS_UNPLAYED, properties=self.music_properties, sort=sort)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, "randomsongs", query_randomsongs)
def _fetch_random_albums(self, useCache = False, sort=False, prefix="randomalbums"):
def query_randomalbums():
return self.json_query("AudioLibrary.GetAlbums", properties=self.album_properties, sort=sort)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, prefix, query_randomalbums)
# _fetch_recent_* is just the same as the random ones except for sorting
def _fetch_recent_movies(self, useCache = False):
return self._fetch_random_movies(useCache, sort=self.recent_sort, prefix="recentmovies")
def _fetch_recent_episodes(self, useCache = False):
return self._fetch_random_episodes(useCache, sort=self.recent_sort, prefix="recentepisodes")
def _fetch_recent_albums(self, useCache = False):
return self._fetch_random_albums(useCache, sort=self.recent_sort, prefix="recentalbums")
# Recommended movies: movies that are in progress
def _fetch_recommended_movies(self, useCache = False):
def query_recommended_movies():
return self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetMovies", properties=self.movie_properties, query_filter=self.inprogress_filter)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, "recommendedmovies", query_recommended_movies)
# Recommended episodes: Earliest unwatched episode from in-progress shows
def _fetch_recommended_episodes(self, useCache = False):
def query_recommended_episodes():
# First we get a list of all the in-progress TV shows.
json_query_string = self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", unplayed=True, properties=self.tvshow_properties,
json_query = json.loads(json_query_string)
# If we found any, find the oldest unwatched show for each one.
if json_query.has_key('result') and json_query['result'].has_key('tvshows'):
for item in json_query['result']['tvshows']:
if xbmc.abortRequested:
json_query2 = self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", unplayed=True, properties=self.tvepisode_properties,
sort={"method":"episode"}, limit=1, params={"tvshowid": item['tvshowid']})
self.WINDOW.setProperty("recommended-episodes-data-%d"%item['tvshowid'], json_query2)
return json_query_string
return self._fetch_items(useCache, "recommendedepisodes", query_recommended_episodes)
# Recommended albums are just the most-played ones
def _fetch_recommended_albums(self, useCache = False):
def query_recommended():
return self.json_query("AudioLibrary.GetAlbums", properties=self.album_properties, sort={"order":"descending", "method":"playcount"})
return self._fetch_items(useCache, "recommendedalbums", query_recommended)
# Favourite episodes are the oldest unwatched episodes from shows that are in your favourites list
def _fetch_favourite_episodes(self, useCache = False):
def query_favourite():
# Get all favourites and all unwatched shows, and store their intersection in fav_unwatched
favs = json.loads(self.json_query("Favourites.GetFavourites",
False, properties=[], sort=None, query_filter=None, limit=None))
if favs['result']['favourites'] is None:
return None
shows = json.loads(self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", unplayed=True, properties=self.tvshow_properties, limit=None))
fav_unwatched = [ show for show in shows['result']['tvshows'] if show['title'] in
set([ fav['title'] for fav in favs['result']['favourites'] if fav['type'] == 'window']) ]
# Skeleton return data, to be built out below...
rv = { u'jsonrpc': u'2.0', u'id': 1, u'result': { u'tvshows': [], u'limits': { u'start': 0, u'total': 0, u'end': 0 } } }
# Find the oldest unwatched episode for each fav_unwatched, and add it to the rv; store data in a per-show property
for fav in fav_unwatched:
show_info_string = self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", True, properties=self.tvepisode_properties,
params={"tvshowid": fav['tvshowid']}, sort={"method": "episode"}, limit=1,
show_info = json.loads(show_info_string)
if show_info['result']['limits']['total']>0:
rv['result']['limits']['total'] += 1
rv['result']['limits']['end'] += 1
self.WINDOW.setProperty("favouriteepisodes-data-%d"%fav['tvshowid'], show_info_string)
return unicode(json.dumps(rv), 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
return self._fetch_items(useCache, prefix="favouriteepisodes", queryFunc=query_favourite)
---------------------------------------- END Original -----------------------------------------
---------------------------------------- START Edited Original -----------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2012 Team-XBMC
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This script is based on service.skin.widgets
# Thanks to the original authors
import os
import sys
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcvfs
import random
from time import gmtime, strftime
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
import simplejson as json
import json
__addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon()
class LibraryFunctions():
def __init__(self):
self.WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
self.LIMIT = int(__addon__.getSetting("limit"))
self.RECENTITEMS_UNPLAYED = __addon__.getSetting("recentitems_unplayed") == 'true'
self.RANDOMITEMS_UNPLAYED = __addon__.getSetting("randomitems_unplayed") == 'true'
def _get_data(self, query_type, useCache):
# Check if data is being refreshed elsewhere
for count in range(31):
data = self.WINDOW.getProperty(query_type+"-data")
if data != "LOADING":
return data if (data or count) else None
if self.WINDOW.getProperty(query_type+"-data") == "LOADING":
for count in range(30):
data = self.WINDOW.getProperty(query_type+"-data")
if data != "LOADING":
return data
if useCache:
# Check whether there is saved data
if self.WINDOW.getProperty(query_type + "-data") is not "":
return self.WINDOW.getProperty(query_type + "-data")
# We haven't got any data, so don't send back anything
return None
# Common infrastructure for all queries: Use the cache if specified, set the property
# to "LOADING" while the query runs, set the timestamp and property correctly
def _fetch_items(self, useCache=False, prefix=None, queryFunc=None):
data = self._get_data(prefix, useCache)
if data is not None:
return data
self.WINDOW.setProperty(prefix+"-data", "LOADING")
rv = queryFunc() # Must return a unicode string (json-encoded data)
self.WINDOW.setProperty(prefix+"-data", rv)
self.WINDOW.setProperty(prefix, strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",gmtime()))
return rv
# Common properties used by various types of queries
movie_properties = [ "title", "originaltitle", "votes", "playcount", "year", "genre", "studio", "country", "tagline", "plot", "runtime", "file", "plotoutline", "lastplayed", "trailer", "rating", "resume", "art", "streamdetails", "mpaa", "director", "writer", "cast", "dateadded" ]
tvepisode_properties = [ "title", "playcount", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "plot", "file", "rating", "resume", "tvshowid", "art", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer", "cast", "dateadded", "lastplayed" ]
tvshow_properties = [ "title", "studio", "mpaa", "file", "art" ]
music_properties = [ "title", "playcount", "genre", "artist", "album", "year", "file", "thumbnail", "fanart", "rating", "lastplayed" ]
album_properties = [ "title", "description", "albumlabel", "theme", "mood", "style", "type", "artist", "genre", "year", "thumbnail", "fanart", "rating", "playcount"]
# Common sort/filter arguments shared by multiple queries
recent_sort = {"order": "descending", "method": "dateadded"}
unplayed_filter = { "field": "playcount", "operator": "lessthan", "value":"1" }
inprogress_filter = {"field":"inprogress", "operator":"true", "value":"" }
# Construct a JSON query string from the arguments, execute it, return UTF8
def json_query(self, method, unplayed=False, properties=None, sort=False,
query_filter=False, limit=False, params=False):
"""method: Name of JSON method to call. unplayed: true if only unplayed results should be returnd. properties: a list of property names to return, often one of the above lists of common properties. sort: a sort order (e.g. the above recent_sort). query_filter: a filter to apply to search results; see the unplayed/inprogress_filter examples above. limit: if specified, a number of query results to return. Otherwise self.LIMIT is used. args: An optional dictionary of arguments that will override those we automatically construct. Many of these have default values of False, which will cause sensible defaults to be selected--if you want to override and omit the value entirely, pass in None instead of False"""
# Set defaults if not all arguments are passed in
if sort is False:
sort = { "method": "random" }
if properties is None:
properties = self.movie_properties
if unplayed and not query_filter:
query_filter = self.unplayed_filter if not query_filter else { "and":[self.unplayed_filter, query_filter] }
json_query = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": method, "params": {} }
# As noted in the docstring, False = use a default, None=omit entirely
if properties is not None:
json_query["params"]["properties"] = properties
if limit is not None:
json_query["params"]["limits"] = {"end":limit if limit else self.LIMIT}
if sort is not None:
json_query["params"]["sort"] = sort
if query_filter:
json_query["params"]["filter"] = query_filter
if params:
json_string = json.dumps(json_query)
rv = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json_string)
return unicode(rv, 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
# These functions default to random items, but by sorting differently they'll also be used for recent items
def _fetch_random_movies(self, useCache = False, sort=False, prefix="randommovies"):
unplayed_flag = self.RANDOMITEMS_UNPLAYED if prefix=="randommovies" else self.RECENTITEMS_UNPLAYED
def query_random_movies():
return self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetMovies", unplayed=unplayed_flag, sort=sort)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, prefix, query_random_movies)
def _fetch_random_episodes(self, useCache = False, sort=False, prefix="randomepisodes"):
unplayed_flag = self.RANDOMITEMS_UNPLAYED if prefix=="randomepisodes" else self.RECENTITEMS_UNPLAYED
def query_randomepisodes():
return self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", unplayed=unplayed_flag, properties=self.tvepisode_properties, sort=sort)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, prefix, query_randomepisodes)
def _fetch_random_songs(self, useCache = False, sort=False):
def query_randomsongs():
return self.json_query("AudioLibrary.GetSongs", unplayed=self.RANDOMITEMS_UNPLAYED, properties=self.music_properties, sort=sort)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, "randomsongs", query_randomsongs)
def _fetch_random_albums(self, useCache = False, sort=False, prefix="randomalbums"):
def query_randomalbums():
return self.json_query("AudioLibrary.GetAlbums", properties=self.album_properties, sort=sort)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, prefix, query_randomalbums)
# _fetch_recent_* is just the same as the random ones except for sorting
def _fetch_recent_movies(self, useCache = False):
return self._fetch_random_movies(useCache, sort=self.recent_sort, prefix="recentmovies")
def _fetch_recent_episodes(self, useCache = False):
return self._fetch_random_episodes(useCache, sort=self.recent_sort, prefix="recentepisodes")
def _fetch_recent_albums(self, useCache = False):
return self._fetch_random_albums(useCache, sort=self.recent_sort, prefix="recentalbums")
# Recommended movies: movies that are in progress
def _fetch_recommended_movies(self, useCache = False):
def query_recommended_movies():
return self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetMovies", properties=self.movie_properties, query_filter=self.inprogress_filter)
return self._fetch_items(useCache, "recommendedmovies", query_recommended_movies)
# Recommended episodes: Earliest unwatched episode from in-progress shows
def _fetch_recommended_episodes(self, useCache = False):
def query_recommended_episodes():
# First we get a list of all the in-progress TV shows.
json_query_string = self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", unplayed=True, properties=self.tvshow_properties,
json_query = json.loads(json_query_string)
# If we found any, find the oldest unwatched show for each one.
if json_query.has_key('result') and json_query['result'].has_key('tvshows'):
for item in json_query['result']['tvshows']:
if xbmc.abortRequested:
json_query2 = self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", unplayed=True, properties=self.tvepisode_properties,
sort={"method":"episode"}, limit=1, params={"tvshowid": item['tvshowid']})
self.WINDOW.setProperty("recommended-episodes-data-%d"%item['tvshowid'], json_query2)
return json_query_string
return self._fetch_items(useCache, "recommendedepisodes", query_recommended_episodes)
# Recommended albums are just the most-played ones
def _fetch_recommended_albums(self, useCache = False):
def query_recommended():
return self.json_query("AudioLibrary.GetAlbums", properties=self.album_properties, sort={"order":"descending", "method":"playcount"})
return self._fetch_items(useCache, "recommendedalbums", query_recommended)
# Favourite episodes are the oldest unwatched episodes from shows that are in your favourites list
def _fetch_favourite_episodes(self, useCache = False):
def query_favourite():
# Get all favourites and all unwatched shows, and store their intersection in fav_unwatched
favs = json.loads(self.json_query("Favourites.GetFavourites",
False, properties=[], sort=None, query_filter=None, limit=None))
if favs['result']['favourites'] is None:
return None
shows = json.loads(self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", unplayed=True, properties=self.tvshow_properties, limit=None))
fav_unwatched = [ show for show in shows['result']['tvshows'] if show['title'] in
set([ fav['title'] for fav in favs['result']['favourites'] if fav['type'] == 'window']) ]
# Skeleton return data, to be built out below...
rv = { u'jsonrpc': u'2.0', u'id': 1, u'result': { u'tvshows': [], u'limits': { u'start': 0, u'total': 0, u'end': 0 } } }
# Find the oldest unwatched episode for each fav_unwatched, and add it to the rv; store data in a per-show property
for fav in fav_unwatched:
show_info_string = self.json_query("VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", True, properties=self.tvepisode_properties,
params={"tvshowid": fav['tvshowid']}, sort={"method": "episode"}, limit=1,
show_info = json.loads(show_info_string)
if show_info['result']['limits']['total']>0:
rv['result']['limits']['total'] += 1
rv['result']['limits']['end'] += 1
self.WINDOW.setProperty("favouriteepisodes-data-%d"%fav['tvshowid'], show_info_string)
return unicode(json.dumps(rv), 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
return self._fetch_items(useCache, prefix="favouriteepisodes", queryFunc=query_favourite)
---------------------------------------- END Edited Original -----------------------------------------