(2015-01-04, 23:58)Pillze Wrote: (2015-01-04, 23:26)Mudislander Wrote: @Pillze will look at it tomorrow sometime, one thing different from what I usually do is that as per original Confluence if TVShows are not set as library content and added to library then menu item TVShows doesn't show.
No need to look at this, the tvshows menu item is working fine
Cool - That was easy!!
(2015-01-05, 00:19)Marx1 Wrote: I can't enable "Enable Fanart Script". How centralised fanart directory is supposed to work?
As for favourites i would dived it for a few groups like shows, tales, series, gym etc. I looked at SuperFavourities and it seems quite good, so support for it would be nice.
Edit: i played with this add-on and it's great. It would be nice to have an option to switch Kodi favourites into this plug-in, so choosing asterisk would lead to this plug-in.
The best would be replace default "add to favourites" with adding to this plug-in, but is it possible?
You need to install "
script.grab.fanart" for "Enable Fanart Script" to work, I haven't added it as a dependency
Cenralised fanart directory is for use with scripts like
Artwork Organizer the home screen should then cycle through movie fanarts as backgrounds on movie items - also depends on what you've set your background to etc. Bear in mind I've whacked this out in a few days with a mixture of code from CCM and Hybrid + a few improvements - so chances are high that somethings will not work
BTW "Physical Music Folder" is not used yet, but that will be so we can find CDArt, Logos and some Artist stuff.
Haven't looked at Super Favourites yet, but will do
(2015-01-05, 03:23)jcorsaut Wrote: Mudislander, took a look at your github version as it stands right now. Most things look great, but having the add-on shortcuts menu exactly like it was in CCM for gotham is a must for me. In your gotham version you had them labelled "user selection one addon set" through to ten. Were also able to add favourites as well as video, program, music, etc. addons to any of the user selections. If it easy to code, using the "submenu choices" menu system in add-on shortcuts would be great.
Otherwise looking quite brilliant as usual.
Realised I hadn't done them when I was playing with my own setup last night - They will get done, want to try to add 7 to the screen per menu item as that seems quite popular ATM and also will be able to add more than just addons eg playlists etc.
(2015-01-05, 04:16)flhthemi Wrote: Noticed 2 small things
1 General Settings menu does not recognize mouse wheel like the other menus do.
2 I'm not hearing any sounds like when you right click to go back and the setting is set to always
1. Probably because I changed the size of the menu - will go back and check hotspots.
2. Don't think that's the MOD, but will check that the sound files are there and try for myself. I've turned them off on my laptop as I'm well sick and tired of the sound
[EDIT] Sound is working on my laptop, will test main media system tonight - Does anyonelse have this problem?
Also I need the Back and Home buttons to work as per Hybrid - Keep trying to select them with remote
(2015-01-05, 06:26)BlissSol Wrote: While its nothing urgent / important, I always preferred the Media Icon's with a transparent background... as you did in earlier builds of the Hybrid Skin (this was possibly pre Gotham).
But i get around that, as im doing my own build now for Helix with the CCM skin as default - and replace all the Media Icons with much earlier versions which had a transparent background.
Will probably eventually put out a theme with the older icons as I also prefer them but ATM desperatly trying to hang onto mission statement of staying true to original Confluence