(cyberplague @ jan. 30 2004,11:38 Wrote:dinz,
trust me i totally understand the wife thing...hehehe
rtvguy - any clue as to why it still isn't working for us? do you have a copy of the cvs when it is working that you could give us to compile?
i can't send a copy of the cvs as it was when i originally made the patch as it is over 100mb zipped. you should be able to get the older versions using sf cvs though. however, as i say, it is working here with all 3 of my 5040s using the latest cvs with the caveats i mentioned.
i'm not sure why it isn't working for you. if it were a guide parsing problem with the 4k guide format, it should still work using "rtv://*/video" as that takes gp out of the loop. are you sure you have all of the correct files for the cvs version installed, including mplayer.dll, language files, etc.? and you are sure you have turned off the stack feature (with stack mode on i can repeat your problem)?
there are just too many variables as is for me to figure this out--whether you integrated the patch the way i did, whether you made the modifications as required by the newer version of the cvs as i did, etc. if the patch were in the cvs, everyone would be on the same playing field. i think it would then be easier to figure out what is going on. until then, all i can say is it does work here. i will continue to try to reproduce the problem (in a way other than the stack/unstack problem); but if i can't reproduce it, i can't fix it.