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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler

For tagging support being extended to view/manage your library collection, this is already done by syncing your xbmc library with trakt.tv, same with seen/play counts. This manage feature was really meant for a quick way to edit your custom lists/watchlist within XBMC. Any advanced editing should probably be done on the trakt.tv website just because the sheer amount of information one might have to wade through. So the manage feature in the tagging won't be extended to support this.

For the custom actions, they can be used in either keymaps or skins or both if you want. I never tried editing a skin (not very good at making skins) to use them so I don't have an example of this, but ezechiel1917 provided a good starting point. You could also always ask for these custom actions to be integrated into your favourite skin, or for a mod to your skin to utilize them.


Not sure why you're getting that error, I've never seen it before. The only thing that comes to mind (based on the line it errors at) is there's a problem with your XBMC, try updating to 12.2 to see if it resolves itself. Can you post anymore details about your setup?


Looking through your log, if its not scrobbling Utopia (2013) its because your XBMC metadata is malformed. Your XBMC library data does not have a tvdb id associated with the show, so the scrobble is falling back to a title search, and Utopia (2013) does not exist on trakt.tv (its actually just called Utopia).


And finally, this isn't directed at anyone in particular, but, if you run into any issues, log files! we need them to help resolve any issues. Without them, nothing can't be done, I haven't been able to refine my mental abilities to interface with your PC to retrieve the required information Wink so you'll need to post them for me (or others).
Intel i3 NUC | Windows 8.1 | Kodi Helix | Arctic: Zephyr
I am also having problems getting the addon to work with my trakt account. My library is not getting synced with trakt, also newly watched episodes won't be tracked either.

System Info:
OpenElec with XBMC 12.2
trakt 2.30

My debug log:
Hi Nate1280. Thanks for the suggestion. I've upgraded to 12.2, and made it a completely fresh install rather than installing over the top. It looks like the error has gone.

I had installed 12.2 already and was still getting the error - the clean install seems to have done the trick.
(2013-07-05, 19:41)Cyberschorsch Wrote: I am also having problems getting the addon to work with my trakt account. My library is not getting synced with trakt, also newly watched episodes won't be tracked either.

System Info:
OpenElec with XBMC 12.2
trakt 2.30

My debug log:

Cyberschorsch, you're not running 2.3.0, the error thats occuring is from within the file movie_sync.py, which no longer exists in 2.3.0. It seems you're still running 2.1.0 possibly? Based on the folder name thats given in the error.

(2013-07-05, 21:27)MeMeMe Wrote: Hi Nate1280. Thanks for the suggestion. I've upgraded to 12.2, and made it a completely fresh install rather than installing over the top. It looks like the error has gone.

I had installed 12.2 already and was still getting the error - the clean install seems to have done the trick.

MeMeMe, glad to hear that the error is gone. I really have no idea what that error means with regards to XBMC's python engine.
Intel i3 NUC | Windows 8.1 | Kodi Helix | Arctic: Zephyr
(2013-07-05, 22:19)nate1280 Wrote:
(2013-07-05, 19:41)Cyberschorsch Wrote: I am also having problems getting the addon to work with my trakt account. My library is not getting synced with trakt, also newly watched episodes won't be tracked either.

System Info:
OpenElec with XBMC 12.2
trakt 2.30

My debug log:

Cyberschorsch, you're not running 2.3.0, the error thats occuring is from within the file movie_sync.py, which no longer exists in 2.3.0. It seems you're still running 2.1.0 possibly? Based on the folder name thats given in the error.

It seems like it is working now Smile

I tried to uninstall the addon but did not managed to remove it from the system as it always appeared as installed. I manually removed it from the addon list by removing the files and restart OpenELEC. After the reboot, I activated the addon again, restarted OpenELEC and updated my library. All shows have been added Smile
I have 2 XBMC installed (Openelec) on 2 Rpi's.

I am trying to use TRAKT to keep the "Watched" flag synched between the two setups (I have given up on MYSQL for now).

Do i need to run a sync manually or does it do itself? Is there a way i can schedule the sync or a command i can issue to kick it off?
You can run it manually, or set it up to run automatically after a library scan.
I don't think there's another way to schedule it.
(2013-07-05, 02:41)nate1280 Wrote: @saarth

Looking through your log, if its not scrobbling Utopia (2013) its because your XBMC metadata is malformed. Your XBMC library data does not have a tvdb id associated with the show, so the scrobble is falling back to a title search, and Utopia (2013) does not exist on trakt.tv (its actually just called Utopia).

Thanks a lot for that. It was very prompt. Smile
(2013-07-05, 02:41)nate1280 Wrote: @dickalan,

For tagging support being extended to view/manage your library collection, this is already done by syncing your xbmc library with trakt.tv, same with seen/play counts. This manage feature was really meant for a quick way to edit your custom lists/watchlist within XBMC. Any advanced editing should probably be done on the trakt.tv website just because the sheer amount of information one might have to wade through. So the manage feature in the tagging won't be extended to support this.

For the custom actions, they can be used in either keymaps or skins or both if you want. I never tried editing a skin (not very good at making skins) to use them so I don't have an example of this, but ezechiel1917 provided a good starting point. You could also always ask for these custom actions to be integrated into your favourite skin, or for a mod to your skin to utilize them.

Why not just have a regular GUI when selecting the add-on? Kinda like this one: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=161319
To be honest only access to managelist action could be useful if included as option when selecting trakt addon. All other actions (except updatetags which you can already allow in settings to be included with regular sync) are tied to currently selected movie or tvshow in regular xbmc list (or specific DBID), that's why you have actions which you can map to keys/remote or include in specific parts of any skin.

Ofc it would be possible to make a new dialog which would list all movies and tvshows, then adding all specific item actions to subdialogs, but that would be clunky and hollow. Navigation in such list is also lot slower than in regular xbmc lists (You can't FilterSMS etc.) It is much easier and faster to include in your skin or map to specific key/button. You also don't need to overview multiple changes as it is pretty clear what you're doing with only one item.

What I think that might be done as an alternative to improve users experience with these new features is GUI dialog which you would call with new specific action and it would allow to select every action possible depending where you would call it from.
For example when you call this action from selected movie it could display something like:
Prometheus (2012) - Available trakt.tv actions:
[Manage lists of this movie]
[Add to watchlist] / [Remove from watchlist]
[Rate this movie]
[Manage all lists]
[Update all tags]
[Synchronize collection]

If called from non movie/tvshow/episode... it would display
Available trakt.tv actions:
[Manage all lists]
[Update all tags]
[Synchronize collection]

It's basically the same which you currently map to keys/add to skin but it would reduce number of currently needed actions from users perspective to only one.
I agree with that. This way only one line of code would be necessary to mod the skin (confluence could use the left menu)
My previous issue with "scrobble" not working was due to silly me - Simulate scrobble was on...

Now it seems it failing on Movie sync. I have movies in both XBMC and Trakt, but look like movie sync of new content is failing. (running git clone 2.3.0)

MOD EDIT: Removed log junk. Read forum rules!!
(2013-07-11, 20:13)jaykumar_2001 Wrote: My previous issue with "scrobble" not working was due to silly me - Simulate scrobble was on...

Now it seems it failing on Movie sync. I have movies in both XBMC and Trakt, but look like movie sync of new content is failing. (running git clone 2.3.0)

MOD EDIT: Removed log junk. Read forum rules!!
Generally need to see full logs, not small snippets where the error occurs.

But, the first line there, doesn't make any sense, as the API key used (after /library/) doesn't match what should be used, altho, the very next line has the right key. So, no clue whats going on there.

The line with Bad JSON response should be showing information instead of %i, %s, this is a bug, dunno how I overlooked this, fixed it for now, will be making a merge request with some fixes/etc soon. This doesn't effect daily usage so not critical.

The response from trakt was only 26 bytes long, which is to short for any proper response.
Intel i3 NUC | Windows 8.1 | Kodi Helix | Arctic: Zephyr
(2013-07-11, 20:33)nate1280 Wrote:
(2013-07-11, 20:13)jaykumar_2001 Wrote: My previous issue with "scrobble" not working was due to silly me - Simulate scrobble was on...

Now it seems it failing on Movie sync. I have movies in both XBMC and Trakt, but look like movie sync of new content is failing. (running git clone 2.3.0)

MOD EDIT: Removed log junk. Read forum rules!!

Generally need to see full logs, not small snippets where the error occurs.

But, the first line there, doesn't make any sense, as the API key used (after /library/) doesn't match what should be used, altho, the very next line has the right key. So, no clue whats going on there.

The line with Bad JSON response should be showing information instead of %i, %s, this is a bug, dunno how I overlooked this, fixed it for now, will be making a merge request with some fixes/etc soon. This doesn't effect daily usage so not critical.

The response from trakt was only 26 bytes long, which is to short for any proper response.

I tried obfuscating the API key (did not do a good job, its there in the second line). Thats the reason you are seeing API key mismatch. Let me know if you need full debug logs, I can upload one you need for further troubleshooting.

Thanks a lot

I have a problem with this addon (version 2.3.0)

The movies sync is not working.

I have disabled movies sync for check tv shows sync and works perfect, but when i enable the movie sync, when script is executing not go away from 40%.

Always on 40%, when the message about the movies that will change the watch counter.
The script not advance more than that 40%, and i have to close xbmc.

I post here the xbmc.log with debugging on:

This log is for xbmc installed on a laptop with Windows 7, but this problem is the same on a Raspberry Pi with Openelec.

In other way, the scrobbling is working fine, for tv shows and movies, the problem is the movie sync.

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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13