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Titan BINGIE MOD v1 (UPDATED - 07/24/2020)
Hello everyone. I know I've been away for a long time, but simply life is not always the way you want it to be. Anyway, I promised some things at one time, and that is a light version of the skin for weaker devices, more precisely for Android TV boxes. I managed to gather some time and keep that promise. In order not to talk too much, on this link you can find out all the information and download the skin. I hope someone finds this version useful.
Thank you so much for the new skin! Nice to have you back Smile
(2025-02-01, 23:53)matke Wrote: Hello everyone. I know I've been away for a long time, but simply life is not always the way you want it to be. Anyway, I promised some things at one time, and that is a light version of the skin for weaker devices, more precisely for Android TV boxes. I managed to gather some time and keep that promise. In order not to talk too much, on this link you can find out all the information and download the skin. I hope someone finds this version useful.

Thanks, great news !
How can I make the fanart image appear brighter in Showcase view? I've searched for answers but just can't find any or any setting to adjust it. TIA

hi, thanks for this new version. But i got a serious issue for the submenu.

impossible to display my custom submenus on the home screen. (RP3)
What i do:
1) i create sources for the differents directories on y mediacenter
2) i create shorcuts for each sources ( i try too to create video playlist)
3) i configure the home screen layout (edit menu shortcuts), i edit the "Home" menu, i keep only "Recently added movies" and click on "customize submenu", i add a submenu and choose one of my favorite 

but on the home screen, nothing is displayed under the "home" menu. I got the "Recently added movies" but all my submenu are not displayed on the row under.
(in the lateral menu, all is fine, its just on the home screen thats the submenus are not displayed).
have you any tips about how to show these submenus?
(2025-02-09, 20:45)is.manu Wrote: hi, thanks for this new version. But i got a serious issue for the submenu.

impossible to display my custom submenus on the home screen. (RP3)
What i do:
1) i create sources for the differents directories on y mediacenter
2) i create shorcuts for each sources ( i try too to create video playlist)
3) i configure the home screen layout (edit menu shortcuts), i edit the "Home" menu, i keep only "Recently added movies" and click on "customize submenu", i add a submenu and choose one of my favorite 

but on the home screen, nothing is displayed under the "home" menu. I got the "Recently added movies" but all my submenu are not displayed on the row under.
(in the lateral menu, all is fine, its just on the home screen thats the submenus are not displayed).
have you any tips about how to show these submenus?

To display your submenu shortcuts you press the right directional key while the Home hub in this case is highlighted in the left side menu bar, but it seems what you really want to achieve and expect to happen is solved by adding a widget below the recently added movies widget in the Home hub.
Hi, thanks for helping.
i dont have any problem with the side left menu. Everything is perfect.
The problem is with the setting of the items displayed on the home menu.

Has explain, i want display my custom submenu, each submenu goto a specific directory on my nass.
I do that years ago on my actual Kodi 17 - Krypton + Titan mod, take a look:


But, on Kodi 21 + Titan mod, i m stuck.

I do the same: create submenus on the "home menu" (keep just one widget by removing the other and add the submenus). But nothing is displayed on the screen.
And too, in a submenu, i can not set up a thumbnail just the "select icon" is available.

On Titan mod for Kodi 17 we got the item menu: "Set thumbnail".

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