Hi TIDAL2 fans,
I've created a new version V2.1.2 of the TIDAL2 addon which contains improvements for Kodi 20 and new interesting features.
Kodi 20 (Nexus) contains some API changes and deprecated functions.
I made some modifications to be complient to the new API:
- The new classes InfoTagMusic and InfoTagVideo have to be used instead of the deprecated setInfo method for list items
- The new methods addAudioStream and addVideoStream have to be used for video items instead of the deprecated addStreamInfo method
- The new version of the inputstream.adaptive addon has a limitation for the stream URL length of 2083 characters.
So now it's impossible to pass the MPD manifest as a base64 encoded string to the internal HTTP server of the TIDAL2 addon.
From now the addon uses a window label to pass the DASH manifest to the internal HTTP server.
The new "Nexus" API is only used if the addon runs on Kodi 20.0 or later.
So this addon still runs on Kodi Leia, Matrix and Nexus ! (and partially on Krypron !)
Additionally I added some more features:
- I added 'Dolby Atmos', 'Masters (MQA)', '360', 'Staff Picks' and 'Clean Content' to the 'Explore' page to have more content available.
- The duration time of albums and playlists are now added to the list items.
- The label colors for folders, favorites, playlists, MQA, etc. can now be customized in the addon settings.
There is a new addon settings tab 'UI' for this settings.
- Now it is possible to use the Kodi Sort-Methods (only for Kodi >= 19). Item lists can now be sorted within the Kodi UI.
This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled in the addon settings tab "UI".
Another new feature is the support for user profiles. If you have generated a "profile name" for your TIDAL account (in the original TIDAL app or web site)
you can follow other profiles and you have access to their favorite artists and public playlists. And other TIDAL users can find your profile and have
accss to your favorite artists and your public playlists.
I implemented following feature into the TIDAL2 addon:
- View user profiles of your followers
- View user profiles you follow
- View public playlists and artists of other profiles
- View the followers of other profiles
- View your public playlists
- Make your own playlists public or private (via context menu)
- To follow a different users playlist, just add it to your favorites
- Public playlists are marked with the users profile name (orange label extension)
The search function for user profiles is not implemented yet.
The API call to search for user profiles doesn't work with login sessions which uses the "web-based" authentication method which is used by the TIDAL2 addon.
I hope I can solve this problem in the next version.
If you use my repository from here:
https://github.com/arnesongit/repository...p?raw=true you will get the TIDAL2 addon update automatically.
If you don't use the TIDAL2 repository, you can download the new addon here:
The corresponding context menu addon is also updated:
The context menu addon "TIDAL2 Search" is now on version V0.2.5 with following changes:
- New context menu items for user playlists to "cleanup" your playlists:
- Move MQA, Atmos or RA360 items to another user playlist
- Move duplicate entries to another user playlist and keep the "best" item.
The "best" item is MQA. If the same track is available as "explicit" and "non explicit" the "non explicit" item will be moved away.
- "Move from here ..." to move multiple playlist items to another playlist
(This function uses the TIDAL playlist oder, not the order of the sorted list inside Kodi)
- Experimental function to build a "virtual library" for artists and albums
- The virtual library directories can be set in the addon settings
- Artist and album infos are saved as 'nfo' files
- Album tracks are saved as "STRM" files including the TIDAL2 playback URL. This STRM files can be played from the Kodi file browser.
I'm sure that you will like some (or all) of these new features.