ADHDMedia : Yeah thanks! what version of Xpadder are you running ? because i think it will only work if we are running the same version.
ADHDMedia : Alright then i will add the subtitles button on the other osd in the next update.
ADHDMedia : Thanks man! i will add it to it now.
ADHDMedia : Yeah i've noticed that too, i have recently deleted all of the audio files and recorded new ones, this time there are more and they are much better quality and a little louder.
senna99 : Hello senna99,
Have you run the skin setup ? as this will install all of the dependencies. If you already have then there may be a problem with the extendedinfo script that you are running.
ADHDMedia : I don't think that that would be possible, the only way that i could think of doing it is using the XBMC web browser script, link it to Battlefield. So that when it opens it will launch the full screen XBMC web browser and list all servers.
iAMl3dgend : Awesome work man!
But i don't think that the Xbox Music app would be possible because i don't think that you will be able to list your library there.
I think there may be a script to list random albums ect. so it might be possible, i will take a look in to it.
And i will be adding in some more views soon as the current ones are getting a little boring.
ADHDMedia : I haven't really been able to work on it lately as i have been mostly working on the skin. But i will start working on it soon.
bakito : Yeah if you go in to skin settings and enable alternative ads option then this will display your most recent movie on the dashboard.
dgm1960 : Thanks man!
ADHDMedia : I will add a fix for that in to the next update.
The latest update should be finished soon, i still neex to fix a few things.
Here are some of the things i have changed :
Completely new sounds - louder and clearer
All new store sections - more content
New game info screen
New store item screen - this time if you click on something in the store it won't just show you a trailer, this tile it will show a full info screen that will display fanart, genre, platform, release date, publisher, trailer, walkthroughs, gameplay, an option to find it on ebay and a little description from wikipedia.
Improved animations
Added animations to most sections like library, dialogs, login screen, splash screens, starting screen, notifications, gamerpic, gamertag, keyboard, osd, colour, profile
new notification bar - see image below
improved the profile section
improved achievement section
completely changed bing section
completely changed global search feature
added a cool feature where if you are searching for something, and you leave it idle for 3 seconds with no text in there it will give you a suggestion of what to search for.
cleaned code
cleaned textures
improved performance
changed some fonts
added a kinect actions section - this is opened by pressing tab on your keyboard, or any button that you want to map it to. This is just for people that are using kinect or voice recognition. This will list some useful commands that you can use.
Added a little command console section in the settings for you to type in your own commands that the skin will run. E.g. if you typed in ActivateWindow(Home) - This will go to the dashboard.There is also a little list of some useful commands. (This is very useful for people who edit/create skins as if you created a new window or something like that then you can open it from the id here.
Improved the notepad app.
Changed around the keyboard.
Here is just a little video showing the new animation on the notification bar :
Here are a few previews of the skin :