Posts: 14
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Posts: 14
installed KodiSetup-20160316-f303c86, visualizations are missing, I get an empty screen on fullscreen music playback and there is no visualization to choose.
Posts: 151
Joined: Apr 2011
I notice under video add-ons that it is impossible to switch views (it is grayed out). Is this something to report here? Or....? Or is it just a matter of them not enabling yet...
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 2015
Not sure if this is a bug or not. But after changing the poster art from the Information screen in my music video section it doesn't change on the Main Screen. I have closed Kodi and reopen to see if the correct poster art would show up but the old one is still there. The Correct one (the one I changed to) does show in the info screen only.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 2015
After scanning in my Movie and Audio collection Nothing Shows up in the Home Screen. I have to Exit Kodi and then reopen it for anything to sure.
Also not sure if this is by default/design. But Even tho I haven't listen to any music yet the Most Played Albums is already populated with several Albums.
Not a bug ( I guess) but can someone please explain why Kodi doesn't seem to load my local Poster and fanart all the time. It loads it for some but not for others. I have them named like this <movie title-poster> <movie title-fanart> and yes they are located in the same folder as the movie. I have a Large collection and it is just annoying when I have to go into so many movies and fix it. Thanks for your help.
Posts: 2
Joined: Feb 2013
not able to change out of the estouchys skin, using atv4. basically you won't be able to navigate to the settings menu.
Posts: 5
Joined: Jan 2016
KodiSetup-20160312-3bb38bf-master - In the EPG screen using a mouse, clicking on 'option' shows the option menu but you cannot get the mouse pointer to the options, the menu retracts. In KodiSetup-20160319-1a29dcf-master the 'options' button is not there.
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Posts: 293
the system information/storage panel for android doesnt show the space used column in its entirety for me it shows Use... (instead of Used) and 1... (instead of 1.9 gb). the used column (or the size column if it moves used aswell) needs to move to the left more 5-6 places
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Posts: 293
the latest estuary skin sync is missing the bottom left (left for control panel) or (up for control panel) tooltip.
Posts: 37
Joined: Jan 2015
It appears in every Krypton build to date that file manager is incredibly sluggish when viewing contents of an external harddrive, can take 6-10 seconds to move down the list. On one occasion it has completely crashed my raspberry Pi 3.