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Release Catch-Up TV & More
Hi @samsonoff,

It is just a hint but your code not follow how to use the framework codequick.
You can read the documentation of the framework codequick.

So you need to adapt the code from CU T&M with your code or use correctly the framework codequick.

https://repo.cecchettosylvain.fr/zip seems to be down?
Agreed, I can also vouch for this
Server: Ubuntu Server 22TB HDD running SAMBA
Kodi: 4 Raspberry Pi 3 running Libreelec -  on the main PC - running Linux Mint
My Setup thread |
Hi everyone,

Yes I'm sorry about that but during this week I have to sleep next to my server computer so I shut it down during the night because of the fan noise Undecided.

At this time the repo is available.

Back to normal from Sunday ;-)
Does anybody have any tips on how to get this plugin to work with UKTV Channels - specifcally Dave? I've installed Kodi 18 (Ubuntu from the PPA), I've installed this plugin from the official repo, I've installed kodi-inputstream-adaptive package, but Catch-Up TV for Dave is empty.
Hi @FatGerman,

What is the version did you use?
The official repo you use it is official repository of Kodi? If you use this repo the version of the plugin is very old 0.1.10.
You need to install the version 0.2.3 of the plugin. You could get it from our repo (https://github.com/Catch-up-TV-and-More/...repository)

We pushed the version 0.2.0 of the plugin but it is not merged by Kodi for the moment.

I hope it helps,
Hi Wwark,

Thank you. That is working great now!

Sorry, I have another question relating to widevine. I am trying to install this plugin now on a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. When the plugin asks me to install Widevine, it gets stuck - it downloads a Chrome OS image and then kodi appears to crash.

I can see a process that appears to have been started by Kodi but running sudo:

sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/loop0 -o ro /home/bob/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.inputstreamhelper/tmp/mnt

This is presumably waiting for me to input a password, otherwise how can it run sudo? But where do I enter the password?
No matter I worked around it by temporarily enabling password-less sudo for my user account. Then widevine was able to install.

The only problem now is that when I click to play a stream, there is a wait of up to 2 minutes before anything starts playing. Does anybody know why this is?
Hello @FatGerman,

The wideline library (DRM) is deployed by this plugin (used in CU TV&More) https://github.com/emilsvennesson/script...reamhelper. Could you please fill an issue to this project regarding the deployement of the library in your environnement?
For information, this library is updated time to time. So you will need to do again this workaround.

RPI is a low end architecture not suprised it will take times. To understand in what part is takes times, could you please do two tests (RPI and powerfull architecture) in debug log to find in which part it takes times? You could past logs in pastebin.

Hello @wwark 

Thanks for the reply. I'll log the issue with the inputstreamhelper over there.

Here's a log for playback of a UKTV Play channel on the Pi.I will try to get a more powerful architecture. I looks like the time is taken up by widevine trying to figure out how to decode the stream. Kodi's CPU usage is > 100% until playback starts.


Possibly not related to the speed problem, but there is a message in that log that says:

11:04:59.566 T:1194324720 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(245, /home/bob/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.catchuptvandmore/addon.py): the python script "/home/bob/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.catchuptvandmore/addon.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: N9XBMCAddon7xbmcgui8ListItemE

Hello @FatGerman,

Thank you for spotting a Warning I have fill this issue https://github.com/Catch-up-TV-and-More/...issues/136. We will see if we find a way to avoid it.

Maybe 100% CPU might be the cause .... I don't see anything in the logs what can help. For me it takes around 17 seconds on a high architecture.

Hi @wwark 

Thanks, I tried it yesterday on a much faster machine and yes, it is much faster. I guess it's just the low performance of the Pi.

Thanks for your help.

Thank you for your work on this add-on.

I have tried the stable release for Krypton but it doesn't work.

Although it installs fine, it does not show up in the video add-ons list. So I looked it up under all add-ons and the option to run the add-on is greyed out.

Any ideas?
Hello @dongus,

Very strange if the installation went well...

What method did you use in order to install the Addon? With our official repo like described here: https://catch-up-tv-and-more.github.io/installation/ ?

You can try to enable Kodi debug log en reinstall the Addon in order to have more details.

Thank you.
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