2021-02-24, 17:45
Thanks for great skin!
Is the Oscars / critics suppose to work in this version?
Is the Oscars / critics suppose to work in this version?
(2021-02-25, 02:55)latts9923 Wrote: 4. I'm using v5.6.0+matrix.2 of the Extended Info script and I'm no longer getting errors.
(2021-02-25, 16:38)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
I reproduced the Extended Info error when it tries to access The AudioDB.
I'll have to install a Video Add-on to check Extended Info as I still can't get Youtube to work...stupid quota exceeded alert.
I see discart for Shelf 3D and Shelf 3D v2. Do you have all your disc images named discart.png and Kodi artwork options for Music set to Max?
I'll check List 3D and List 3D v2.
Change the left value to 0 and see if the text moves to the right. That text is supposed to be hidden off screen to the left. If it moves for you, I just need to position it further left.xml:
<control type="group">
<control type="list" id="1782">
(2021-02-27, 21:12)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Cool...I'll change the value to -1000 as well.