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v19 Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod
Thanks for great skin!
Is the Oscars / critics suppose to work in this version?

First impressions after poking around music library:

1) Not a skin issue but rather an addon, or more accurately a lack of, an addon. Kodi automatically picked up all music artwork and displayed it without manually fussing around, but only after I moved album art back to album folders. They had been moved to Artist folder by Artwork Beef, if I recall. Anyway, that's going to be a time consuming task but worth it in that the album back, spine and cover all load and work effortlessly paying off in the long run.

2) Small Bug. In the List 3D music view the last animation, the flip from back to front, is noticeably late by a couple of seconds.

3) Small Bug. Shelf 3D music view, same as above but much shorter. 

4) Potential Big Bug. I was going to mention the Extended Info prompt every time you enter an Info Dialogue if you select yes to install bugger all happens. I have got it installed using the steps in a previous post. I only mention it now because it's going to confuse the crap out of a lot of users. If you could provide me a little insight, I still get Extended Info errors, most likely my own fault because I have all the scrapers set not to download anything preferring to manage my art and info procurement myself, but the log says Extended Info can't find scraper but doesn't say which scraper, any idea which one it uses? 

5) Request. Would it be possible to add the studio/label icon to more of the music views, please? I only saw it in the Wall 3D view.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro   | Kodi 21.1 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.1.2  |  Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.4.4
Ah...those special characters still causing problems.

You're welcome! Yes, the awards are displaying.

@Juan Mortyme
1. Yeah, Kodi handles all the artwork now in Matrix.
2. I don't see a delay from back to front. However, I do see the discart is not positioned correctly.
3. Same on this one...I don't see a delay.
4. I'm using v5.6.0+matrix.2 of the Extended Info script and I'm no longer getting errors.
5. Sure, I can do that. I know layout 3 also shows the studio.
(2021-02-25, 02:55)latts9923 Wrote: 4. I'm using v5.6.0+matrix.2 of the Extended Info script and I'm no longer getting errors.

Have you checked the Dialogue Info window for artists in the music library? I'm experiencing probably the same issues/errors as the MQ7 Leia mod is having since a while. The album overview from The AudioDB isn't working anymore.

Have you tried opening Extended Info from the Video Addons menu?

I think I've found a couple of issues for the music library views:

- Shelf3D and Shelf3DV2
Discart is not showing. Please don't tell me that the disc images have to be renamed to discart.png....

-List and List3D
Text on the left side is missing
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

I reproduced the Extended Info error when it tries to access The AudioDB.

I'll have to install a Video Add-on to check Extended Info as I still can't get Youtube to work...stupid quota exceeded alert.

I see discart for Shelf 3D and Shelf 3D v2. Do you have all your disc images named discart.png and Kodi artwork options for Music set to Max?

I'll check List 3D and List 3D v2.
(2021-02-25, 16:38)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
I reproduced the Extended Info error when it tries to access The AudioDB.

I'll have to install a Video Add-on to check Extended Info as I still can't get Youtube to work...stupid quota exceeded alert.

I see discart for Shelf 3D and Shelf 3D v2. Do you have all your disc images named discart.png and Kodi artwork options for Music set to Max?

I'll check List 3D and List 3D v2.

My disc images were still named disc.png. I bulk renamed them to discart.png and I can see them now. Thank you. But imho it is pretty annoying that every new version of Kodi we have to rename those artwork images. I hope this will be the last time we have to do so.

Still experiencing that nasty quota warning bug in YT? That's annoying too.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

@latts9923 , please check message #51
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

I don't have any text on the left side of List 3D or List 3D v2. What text do you see?

Also, I see the CPU, Memory and Hard Disk usage on Matrix. What OS are you using where you don't see it?
On Android.

Here are some screenshots in English where you can see the differences between Leia and Matrix.





Concerning the List3D music views, it's unclear to me what text is displayed there. I can only see the last 5 or 6 characters, or so. It could be an album overview, or an album tracklist. Sometimes it is just 1 line, but sometimes 2 or 3.Image
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod


Confirmed, I am using the same version ExtendedInfo script. It throws an error when entering the Artist or Album Info Dialogue. No issues with movies.

I too see on occasion some truncated text displayed for a very brief time on the very left edge of List 3D music view. It's only a few letters that appear to be the tail end of a sentence or two. Not enough letters show for me to make a positive id. I could only once make out that it was part of a date, the year actually. But might just be a fluke. If I had to guess I would say it might be something to do with word wrap of the description. It might take me a while to get a handle on want or where that text is from.

You don't see a delay in the animation in List 3D music view? That's odd... on mine the disc exits stage right THEN the case flips. I thought the case flipping was supposed to look like it was batting the disc? Or have I been batted too many times!

I, as you, don't see anything out of sorts on the System Info info screen, looks the same as it always has, I am running a Windows 10 box that's few yews old.  

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro   | Kodi 21.1 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.1.2  |  Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.4.4
I installed Matrix on my FireTV and I do not see the CPU usage even with the default Estuary skin. Estuary has a visible line that keeps the CPU info hidden if the system doesn't support it. However, I do see the memory usage in Estuary, and I'm using the same code. Do you see the memory usage if you switch to Estuary? Also, I do not see the HDD usage on my FireTV Cube and it has Leia installed.

I think I know what that text is you are seeing on the left side of List 3D. Try this...open ViewList3Dm.xml and find...

<control type="group">
<control type="list" id="1782">
Change the left value to 0 and see if the text moves to the right. That text is supposed to be hidden off screen to the left. If it moves for you, I just need to position it further left.
I switched to the Estuary skin. All values are missing with the exception of free memory. The value (or text?) for Total Memory is incorrect. 4294966992MB is the storage capacity for my external hd.

I think this is a missing feature, or bug in Kodi Matrix 19.0. Maybe one of the Kodi devs will know this.

I changed the value -545 to 0 and the text moved to the right indeed. Than I changed 0 to -1000 for the ViewList3Dm.xml and ViewList3Dv2.xml. That worked. Thanks

System Information/Hardware Estuary
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Yeah, looks like a bug in Matrix reporting memory on an Android OS...it displays correctly for me on Windows 10.

Cool...I'll change the value to -1000 as well.
(2021-02-27, 21:12)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968

Cool...I'll change the value to -1000 as well.

Yup, worked for me too. Thanks MB1968.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro   | Kodi 21.1 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.1.2  |  Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.4.4

I noticed that in the Wide music view when viewing Artists the artist logo (bottom right) covers the artist bio text when the bio is more than a few lines long.

Sorry but I don't know how to post a screenshot. It appears to be some process of uploading to an image sharing site and then linking back to it. Seems to me to be a lot of effort just to post a screenshot.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro   | Kodi 21.1 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.1.2  |  Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.4.4
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