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[RELEASE] Radio Add-on (rad.io, radio.de, radio.fr, radio.pt, radio.es) Music Plugin
The problem with the original developers going AWOL means a new fork is required that would be adopted in the Kodi repository not that I know too much about these things. Two contenders, the light and the five banger ones have come forward so far. Once the functionality has been built in then one or both could go forward, but you won't get the auto updates until they end up in a Kodi repository or their own rather than a zip file as is for these at the minute. The power that be then decide on these things.

Five bangers has the edge that it doesn't bury the config file for the radio streams in the area that is out of sight to Android 11 and above unless you use the Files app. So Five Bangers has the edge on that but needs the stream user defined to be built in, that's lacking in 1.03.

From my understanding and I might be wrong the apps are written by enthusiasts which scrape from the website


Presume that engine changing threw out the scraping process. The apps need the ability to add your own feeds which are missing from said website or any extra functionality in the original Kodi app plus any user improvements. I cut my teeth on PDP8s over 50 years ago so I leave it up to the youngsters Blush. Await with excitement for the youngsters to give up something that is better than the original app that works with all the bells and whistles.
(2024-05-15, 23:32)Bluconnect Wrote: Imagehttps://github.com/fivebanger/kodi_addon...-1.0.3.zip

    - avoid to start in full screen mode on play

    - browse by language, country, city, region added

    - region feature added (genres and topics results based on region)
    - minor fixes

    - Initial Release

After installing this version none of my channel shortcuts in my skin work.
Instead of playing the channel I now get this, see screenshot.
I note that various apps/services (eg Radio Garden, Tunein) have recently ceased the ability to play streams from outside the UK, for users within the UK. Is this for some legal reason that will eventually affect all services, including radio.de?
(2024-05-16, 07:18)Jeffers24 Wrote:
(2024-05-15, 23:32)Bluconnect Wrote: Imagehttps://github.com/fivebanger/kodi_addon...-1.0.3.zip

    - avoid to start in full screen mode on play

    - browse by language, country, city, region added

    - region feature added (genres and topics results based on region)
    - minor fixes

    - Initial Release

After installing this version none of my channel shortcuts in my skin work.
Instead of playing the channel I now get this, see screenshot.

Works fine on Nvidia Android TV as far as favourites.
(2024-05-16, 10:43)lineweight Wrote: I note that various apps/services (eg Radio Garden, Tunein) have recently ceased the ability to play streams from outside the UK, for users within the UK. Is this for some legal reason that will eventually affect all services, including radio.de?

Could be about revenue sharing so the provider says no tar to Tuneinradio or something.

There is always the German Phonostar in German which is available on assorted platforms. Good comparison point for missing feeds of European stations. Phonostar has similar running adverts like Tunein if you don't subscribe. Was that which I'd been using in place of Radio.de then found the wheels had dropped off the old Kodi app we had all liked.

I live in Croatia. I tried this Add-on:Radio but it doesn't work. It tells me a network error. Why? I have a large database of radio stations from Croatia that have an internet listening address. Neatly written radio station name and city and live stream address. To whom do I need to submit this data so that the data can be inserted into Add-on:Radio? How to reinstall Add-on:Radio?
The original developers of the project have vanished although there is a suggestion that they could be working on something, the last guy. They are hobbyist projects. It taps into the website radio.de and uses the feeds from that so if your stations aren't in that, then they shouldn't be in the kodi app unless put in by hand. The original did allow this. Kodi 21 messed the Kodi radio app. The updates often do this so if projects aren't being maintained they drop away.

Two alternatives have appeared on the thread if you look up. The fivebanger one and the Kodinerds light one. I've loaded both up. Neither allow you are the minute to add your own streams if they aren't in the radio.de library. The fivebanger one should but its not taking the stream, least in 1.0.3. I've asked for that to be fixed on the Github developers page for it. It's marked up as a future development. Waiting to see.

That one has the advantage that the control file can be placed wherever you like in your directory structure. For Android 11 and above the default place where these files are placed, Kodi data is hidden from file managers since they don't want you editting the control files of apps or poking around in them. You can get at these files but an added complication. The fivebanger app avoids the file hidden stuff in Android 11 and above. It takes user icons for the radio station (png) but not the Web link. That's the bit that needs fixing. It's a bug at the minute.

The radio.de light kodi app also linked above doesn't have this facility but plays the Irish radio RTE stations but the fivebanger one doesn't. There is inconsistency in this. The rte stations aren't in the radio.de web like which suggests to me the light version is taking the feed links from somewhere else. Also another downside of the light one is you can't atleast on the Nvidia shift off the Kodi app and look at something else, you can with the fivebanger one thus its lacking functionality in that department.

I'm hoping the fivebanger one will get developed beyond 1.0.3 and at that stage will be better than the original kodi app that's now stopped working. Thus I'd have a look at both.
(2024-05-19, 10:20)Tell Wrote: The original developers of the project have vanished although there is a suggestion that they could be working on something, the last guy. They are hobbyist projects. It taps into the website radio.de and uses the feeds from that so if your stations aren't in that, then they shouldn't be in the kodi app unless put in by hand. The original did allow this. Kodi 21 messed the Kodi radio app. The updates often do this so if projects aren't being maintained they drop away.

Two alternatives have appeared on the thread if you look up. The fivebanger one and the Kodinerds light one. I've loaded both up. Neither allow you are the minute to add your own streams if they aren't in the radio.de library. The fivebanger one should but its not taking the stream, least in 1.0.3. I've asked for that to be fixed on the Github developers page for it. It's marked up as a future development. Waiting to see.

That one has the advantage that the control file can be placed wherever you like in your directory structure. For Android 11 and above the default place where these files are placed, Kodi data is hidden from file managers since they don't want you editting the control files of apps or poking around in them. You can get at these files but an added complication. The fivebanger app avoids the file hidden stuff in Android 11 and above. It takes user icons for the radio station (png) but not the Web link. That's the bit that needs fixing. It's a bug at the minute.

The radio.de light kodi app also linked above doesn't have this facility but plays the Irish radio RTE stations but the fivebanger one doesn't. There is inconsistency in this. The rte stations aren't in the radio.de web like which suggests to me the light version is taking the feed links from somewhere else. Also another downside of the light one is you can't atleast on the Nvidia shift off the Kodi app and look at something else, you can with the fivebanger one thus its lacking functionality in that department.

I'm hoping the fivebanger one will get developed beyond 1.0.3 and at that stage will be better than the original kodi app that's now stopped working. Thus I'd have a look at both.
Would be good if they were added to the Kodi repo
Fivebangers has release an update which fixes the user supplied streams


Under 1.0.4


There is also a repo which does the auto update


So whilst it's not in the official repo you can patch into the developers version of this.

The update as per the readme file:

    - prevent Kodi crash in case of a play_stream() error
    - sort method for "my stations" added
    - "hide fanart background" feature added
    - custom stations: provide a blank id in stations.jsn to mark a station as custom station and edit stream_url and icon_url accordingly

    - avoid to start in full screen mode on play

    - browse by language, country, city, region added

    - region feature added (genres and topics results based on region)
    - minor fixes

    - Initial Release
I'm looking for the information about json-rpc intetface of Radio addon.
Especially, I wat to just start playing radiostations from MyStations folder.
Here's an example of volume increment:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Application.SetVolume","params":{"volume":"increment"},"id":1 }

I found some others commands, but cannot find any help with Radio plugin.
@andrkac the thread/post above has been merged into the main support thread for the Radio addon.

Your example above is the Kodi volume control, and isn't directly related to the addon.
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Yes, I know its not related. It was here to ilustrate, what kind of request I'm looking for.
Hello et first of all many thanks for taking over this addon, a must for me !

As I saw it is possible since 1.04, I tried to add a specific custom station but did not manage to succeed.
First I just copied/pasted one of my saved station (by editing the stations.json file) and just changed the id, name and streamurl.
The stream url is correct, working in any browser.
Second I used the custom json file and directory, adding only my custom station. No success either...

In the changelog, I see that you mention a 'blank id' that can be used for that, but can't find it.
I must be missing something  Huh

Can you give some guidance how to proceed ?
Even though this thread refers to the "old" radio add-on, I want to give an answer related to my add-on radio.de which is not based or branched from the original radio add-on.

You can add a custom station by tweaking the "stations.jsn", providing a data set with a blank "id". An example is shown at https://github.com/fivebanger/kodi_addons/issues/2:

{"data": {"id": "", "name": "my custom station", "icon_url": "http://my_custom_station.url/icon.jpg", "stream_url": "http://my_custom_station.url/stream.mp3"}, "mode": "play_stream"}

As of v1.1.0 you can also add custom stations by importing a m3u list containing your radio stations. An example of a m3u list would be:

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="my custom station" tvg-logo="http://linkt.to/icon.jpg",my custom station
(2024-05-25, 23:10)fivebanger Wrote: #EXTM3U
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="my custom station" tvg-logo="http://linkt.to/icon.jpg",my custom station
The "tvg-name" tag ist not really needed for import:

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="http://linkt.to/icon.jpg",my custom stationhttp://link.to/stream.mp3
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[RELEASE] Radio Add-on (rad.io, radio.de, radio.fr, radio.pt, radio.es) Music Plugin5