2011-12-27, 04:11
pkscuot Wrote:wunderground isn't available as a source in Weather+ any longer. Apparently when the XBMC folks stuck the deal with Weather Underground to do the weather feed for XBMC Eden it apparently precluded any other plugin provider from using Weather Underground as a data source.
i hope you don't mind if i step in for a sec to correct this piece of information.
wundeground has provided xbmc free access to their api and this is a gesture team xbmc appreciates very much.
you can read all about it here:
the problem we had with weatherplus was the fact that it was scraping the wunderground website.
it's like, someone trusts you with the key to their front-door and we would allow someone else to throw in the window to get inside at the same time.
that just didn't feel right to us.
i have discussed our concern about this with brightsr in PM and we have agreed to work together on a way to give weatherplus access to the wunderground weather data.
it's something (besides a dozen of other things) i'm currently working on.
i have it partially working already locally, so if all goes well, weatherplus users should be able to select wunderground as their service provider again in the near future.