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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
I noticed an issue with buffering as well but never considered it was the new trakt. I am disabling it now and will test.
Still unable to scrobble as previously reported.

Stopped working a few months ago...

07:55:38 T:3028282224 ERROR: /home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.trakt/utilities.py:19: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead import sha # Python 2.5 and earlier
07:55:38 T:3019889520 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
07:55:38 T:3028282224 NOTICE: [trakt] loading script.trakt version 1.0.1
07:55:38 T:3028282224 NOTICE: [trakt] json url: /account/test/Commit:b6135e0
07:55:38 T:2994711408 ERROR: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/script.trakt/notification_service.py", line 66, in run
telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(self.TELNET_ADDRESS, self.TELNET_PORT)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/telnetlib.py", line 209, in __init__
self.open(host, port, timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/telnetlib.py", line 225, in open
self.sock = socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/socket.py", line 514, in create_connection
raise error, msg
error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
07:55:43 T:2986318704 NOTICE: [trakt] Scrobbler stopping

I can confirm 9090 isn't being used by something else and xbmc is listening fine (netstat -ln | grep 9090), and "Allow programs on this system to control XBMC" is also checked. I have tried telnetting to port 9090 and I can connect successfully.

Can anyone help troubleshoot this?
Honestly guys, great addon and all. Now I have seen many sites and services go the VIP route, it starts off as extras being VIP then gradually the usual free features start to vanish, and the quality of service for free users goes down the toilet.

Please tell me you wont go with the trend on this, trakt guys.
HTPC: Motherboard: Asus F2A85-V, CPU: AMD A10 6800K, RAM: Kingston XMP BEAST 16GB, Samsung 840 EVO 250GB, LG CH12NS30 Blu-Ray drive, Samsung, and WD various 2 and 3TB for storage, Windows 8.1, one for all remote/FLIRC, Logitech z906 surround system.
Nothing will vanish and service for non VIP definitely won't decrease. Check out the blog post to read all about the VIP program and why we are doing it. http://trakt.tv/blog/introducing-the-vip-program
Trakt.tv - Track what you're watching. Discover new shows & movies.
forum thread - @trakt on twitter - support
Support for absolute/dvd order PR https://github.com/rectifyer/script.trakt/pull/13 for anyone who doesn't want to wait.
AWXi - Ajax web interface. Wiki
does this plugin works with frodo?
(2012-12-31, 08:29)publicENEMY Wrote: does this plugin works with frodo?

Its working fine for me on RC2
is it possible to sync watched status? if so how?

cant seem to find anything relate to sync watched status in the configuration.

(2013-01-01, 15:58)publicENEMY Wrote: is it possible to sync watched status? if so how?

cant seem to find anything relate to sync watched status in the configuration.


I'm interested in this as well.
this doesnt seem to be working for me... I am using it with the Eden build on Windows 8 and have the settings enabled... but nothing popping up on trakt....

Although on mac using the same plugin it seems to work fine :S... anybody have an idea whats going on
(2013-01-02, 20:25)danial.aw Wrote: this doesnt seem to be working for me... I am using it with the Eden build on Windows 8 and have the settings enabled... but nothing popping up on trakt....

Although on mac using the same plugin it seems to work fine :S... anybody have an idea whats going on

While I can't help you with your problem I can say that I am using WIndows 8. Have you checked the logs?
I can't seem to get the scrobbler to work either. Windows 8, pulled through the XBMC Add-ons as Trakt.tv says to do. I don't necessarily see anything in the XBMC log file - I can't even tell if it's trying to update Trakt? I see some errors for add-ons but it appears to be related to PVRs...


I have the Add-on enabled, configured, and I have both Movies and TV Shows enabled under the scrobbler tab.

I know this forum isn't about Sickbeard but I have Trakt enabled on Sickbeard notifications and I downloaded 12 episodes overnight and I don't have any of those in my history either.
Are you playing from library mode? It appears you are playing directly from file mode. It needs library so it can pull in all the IDs and info so trakt can correctly identify what's playing.
Trakt.tv - Track what you're watching. Discover new shows & movies.
forum thread - @trakt on twitter - support
I just updated to Frodo last night and honestly I can't tell the difference between File mode and Library mode anymore? There used to be the option in the left option bar but I don't see it there anymore? I'm going to TV Shows -> Title -> and have the "Hide watched" checked so it's only showing unwatched episodes -- I thought going to TV Shows was library mode?
@meissen: looks to me like you dont have "Allow programs on this system to control XBMC" enabled. I cant see any jsonrpc activity in the log which is needed for the addon to know whats happening with the player.

The setting is located under Settings->Services->Remote Control
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13