Release XBMC 13.0 Gotham – Beta1 rises!
(2014-03-23, 13:19)Ned Scott Wrote: Assuming you have a non-Icefilms example (because we can't help you with Icefilms per the forum rules (wiki)), we need a debug log (wiki) to see why the message is popping up.

It popsup on different occasions, but most of the time on live streams
i am very new to this i have to say you guys are doing an amazing job here. But forgive me if i ask a stupid question.
How does one keep up with the night build versions of gotham and where can i get these releases.I do find myself going back from gotham to frodo just because of bugs
Also is it wrong to just download whatever version i choose and just overlay the old version?

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XBMC 13.0 Gotham – Beta1 rises!3