Release Headless Kodi Docker Container
(2024-11-03, 15:16)KillerKelvUK Wrote: Hey, thanks for the work with this.  I'm up and running in docker and I think I have library updates sorted with the library watchdog addon.  However in the web ui every minute its reports "Lost websocket connection" along with "Attempting websockets reconnect".

I've tested connectivity with Kore and its happy, and using the web UI its fully functional from what I can see and I cannot find anything in the logs about these messages.  Is this normal behaviour or am I looking in the wrong place?

FWIW, also amend Chorus2's Websockets port value at /#settings/web if not using the standard port value 9090, this stopped the errors.
I use multiple profiles for kodi. Does this support that? I am not seeing anywhere to select a profile to use.
Yep so rather than faff about with trying to use multiple profiles in one container, which I suspect will be very hard work (how do you tell it to e.g. switch profiles when it needs to?), just run two containers and take care with your ports.  (Indeed with both my containers I offset the ports as I have something else on 9090).

Then all you have to do is point various things at the right instance and bob's your uncle.  E.g. in something like Sonarr you can use tags for various shows, then in the Connections bit, you can tell it which instance to contact when a new show has arrived etc.  It works a treat and means your libraries are always up to date when you want them to be...

Here's my compose:


    # Both:
        container_name: kodi-adults
        image: matthuisman/kodi-headless:Omega
                condition: service_healthy
            - PUID=${UID}
            - PGID=${GUID}
            - TZ=${TZ}
            - KODI_DELAY=${KODI_DELAY}
            - ${KODI_ADULTS_CONFIG}:/config/.kodi:rw
        # All offset by one to avoid LMS...
            - 8081:8080 # WebUI
            - 9091:9090 # Websockets
            - 9778:9777 # esall interface port
        restart: unless-stopped

        container_name: kodi-kids
        image: matthuisman/kodi-headless:Omega
                condition: service_healthy
            - PUID=${UID}
            - PGID=${GUID}
            - TZ=${TZ}
            - KODI_DELAY=${KODI_DELAY}
            - ${KODI_KIDS_CONFIG}:/config/.kodi:rw
            - 8082:8080 # WebUI
            - 9092:9090 # Websockets
            - 9779:9777 # esall interface port
        restart: unless-stopped
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Awesome Thanks! So I assume you're just running one DB and changing the name of the in the advanced setting file? Do you have a compose with maria db in it all in one or run them separate?
Yep just the one DB with different names in as.xml - you could obviously do two DBs if you like, but it didn't seem worth the overhead to me.

And yes one compose with all my services (so db, db_backup ( - 2 * kodi, and a few other services (nginx etc) for internal stuff.  Those all run all the time.

I have a separate compose for ephemeral tools I use (beets, picard etc) with some aliases to start/stop those on demand.

Between those two composes, it covers everything I need currently, and is nice and simple and I know where to look for each type of thing...
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.

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Headless Kodi Docker Container0