I've some problems with the TMDb scrpaer and translated (german) titles.
first instance:
I've added the move
'Hi no tori 2772: Ai no kosumozon' and entered the german title 'Space Firebird'. Fine.
But, the scraper isn't recognize it! Not with automatic scan and not with the correct title. It can only be find with manually search AND shorten the name e.g. 'Space Firebir' or simply 'Space' or a shorten version of the original title.
After that every thing is fine in this case.
second instance:
I've entered up a german translation for
'Les maîtres du temps (engl.: Time Masters)' >> 'Herrscher der Zeit'.
The same behaviour as above. No automatic detection. Manually only found by shorten the title.
I can select the german version, but in databes it will be stored with the original, french name! Furthermore, I can't find the german poster, i load up.
I've tried several time, my settings are correct (de>german). What I did wrong?
Maybe it's a bug in scraper, because the OFDB scrapper, which is using the posters from TMDb is catching my german poster for 'Time Masters'.
I hope there is a way to solve. I would like to contribute more german stuff to TMDb, but I also want to use it in XBMC.
thanks for audience,
PS: I'm on Kubuntu 10.10 with XBMC 10 an TMDb scraper 1.2.4.
PPS: Forgot to mention: All the other, existing translations are working proper.