2011-11-26, 19:18
i tryed it was saying 404 not found but that was when i was still having syntak errors in the html string so maybe it will work now i'll check
der: No such file or directory
No URLs found in der.
watzen Wrote:The main reason I went the vbs-route was that running wget using a batch would steal focus from xbmc when a torrent got finished. Doesn't your solution do that Hack_kid?
Begall Wrote:Okay so I've been playing around with this and I've got a problem - the script runs and sends notifications but it is not auto updating the library.
Things I've checked:
The path of the update file is correct, c:/update/update.vbs is the path and it is in uTorrent.
The web interface settings in the file are correct and work in my browser. (http://xbmc:password@localhost:80)
The run program commands appear to be the correct format:
c:\update\update.vbs -U "%N" "%L"
c:\update\update.vbs -S "%M" "%N"
Library finds the files when manually updating, the only thing I can think of is the sourcePath in update.vbs is set to "D:\" because each show is labelled "/Downloads/TV Shows/SHOW/Season". Is this the correct format?
watzen Wrote:I think the problem could be one of two or a combination of both.
1. when merging "D:\" with "/Downloads/TV Shows/SHOW/Season" you get "D:\/Downloads/TV Shows/SHOW/Season", which is incorrect. So either remove the "\" from "D:\" or the starting "/" from "/Downloads/TV Shows/SHOW/Season".
2. you might want to try to change the "/"'s in the labels to "\"
Quote:myPath = Replace(myPath,"/","\")
myPath = Replace(myPath,"\\","\")
Begall Wrote:One thing I was wondering though, is there any way to have utorrent automatically pull the video files out of all the other rubbish that tends to be packaged with video files? I know it's possible to do when queueing files manually, but a way to avoid having to go into the files every few months to clean out rubbish would be nice.
svtfmook Wrote:i'm just having problems with utorrent auto downloading....
i just can't seem to get it to download the episodes. i have a filter with the name of the show, i set it as 1x1-99 for the episodes for season 1, but, it just will not auto start. i have to right click each torrent in the feed and manually start the download.