2024-10-12, 05:43
Is the CPM version of coreelec what's recommended? Where can I get the latest version?
(2024-10-12, 05:43)nowwhereman Wrote: Is the CPM version of coreelec what's recommended? Where can I get the latest version?
(2024-10-12, 05:43)nowwhereman Wrote: Is the CPM version of coreelec what's recommended? Where can I get the latest version?
(2024-10-14, 23:53)nowwhereman Wrote: but I've been getting regular video buffering when playing bigger Blu-ray rips. I'm streaming through the Jellyfin addon
(2024-10-14, 23:53)nowwhereman Wrote: I got CPM installed on the AM6+, and I though I was all set, but I've been getting regular video buffering when playing bigger Blu-ray rips. I'm streaming through the Jellyfin addon, and using ethernet. Are there some recommended network settings I should be using?
(2024-10-16, 04:10)nowwhereman Wrote: Thanks, I changed the caching to Adaptive and tried changing the memory size from 64MB up to 512MB, but I'm still getting buffering .iperf is a good way to test local network speeds. it's peer to peer between the two specific devices you care about. a lot of those speedtest add ons are from the device to public internet, which isn't really what you want to test.
I tried switching over to the Plex addon since I see more people using Plex
Unfortunately that didn't help, I'm still getting buffering on high bitrate videos 😔
When I put the same video file on a USB drive, no buffering. It must be network related. What's the easiest way to run a speed test?