2011-06-12, 14:59
thx it works now
DarkHelmet Wrote:Okay, something weird was happening here. I deinstalled both scripts (normal and party mode), because I thought I could install them both fresh from the repository. However only the party mode script is available on the repo. So I installed that and installed the normal version from your google code page. Now I get "no similar tracks were found" for every song in party mode. I now have party mode version 1.05 installed and normal version 1.01.
I suggest you upload both scripts to the repo and make it clear that the party mode needs the normal script.
A restart solved the issue, yet still this could lead to frustration by new users.
ErlendSB Wrote:If you don´t mind, I´d like to implement some of the features you have into my addon. Especially some of the settings you have.
DarkHelmet Wrote:I'm using 1.05 of the party mode script on xbmc 10.1 on Vista Home. For me the missing fanart bug in the playlist has returned. Also in the playlist the names of the songs are usually displayed like this "track number. artist - track name", which is great. Now and then this changes to just the track name and then back again. Maybe when a new song gets added to the list?
ErlendSB Wrote:I haven't noticed this myself, but I suspect it can occur if the trackname or artist contains special characters. Do you have an example?
ErlendSB Wrote:I query the music database via the QueryMusicDatabase httpapi, so if this api can work with mysql, it should work. I guess the tables and views in the databases (sqlite and mysql) are the same?! I have not tried using mysql myself, so I can't tell for sure.
Other than that, make sure you have imported all the song to the library, as this addon does not work in files mode only.
20:56:19 T:5260 M:1476464640 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: setresponseformat paras: setresponseformat; openRecordSet;<recordset>;closeRecordSet;</recordset>;openRecord;<record>;closeRecord;</record>;openField;<field>;closeField;</field>
20:56:19 T:3132 M:1476464640 NOTICE: Count: 250
20:56:19 T:5260 M:1476464640 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryMusicDatabase paras: QueryMusicDatabase; select strTitle, strArtist, strAlbum, strPath, strFileName, strThumb, iDuration from songview where strTitle LIKE '%%Bad Company%%' and strArtist LIKE '%%Bad Company%%' order by random() limit 1
20:56:19 T:5260 M:1476464640 ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (1305)
Query: select strTitle, strArtist, strAlbum, strPath, strFileName, strThumb, iDuration from songview where strTitle LIKE 'Bad Company' and strArtist LIKE 'Bad Company' order by random() limit 1
20:56:19 T:5260 M:1476440064 ERROR: CMusicDatabase::GetArbitraryQuery(select strTitle, strArtist, strAlbum, strPath, strFileName, strThumb, iDuration from songview where strTitle LIKE '%Bad Company%' and strArtist LIKE '%Bad Company%' order by random() limit 1) failed
20:56:19 T:5260 M:1476435968 DEBUG: HttpApi Start command: QueryMusicDatabase paras: QueryMusicDatabase; select strTitle, strArtist, strAlbum, strPath, strFileName, strThumb, iDuration from songview where strTitle LIKE '%%Ramble On%%' and strArtist LIKE '%%Led Zeppelin%%' order by random() limit 1
20:56:19 T:5260 M:1476435968 ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (1305)