Just to verify, are you looking at userdata/addon_data/skin.aeonmq9.mod/settings.xml?
Doh...you weren't supposed to see that version yet. I'm going to make another tweak before I officially release it.
Critics Consensus will only display if you manually add that text to "Plot Outline". If you select "Reload", it will wipe out that text from the Database. I am seeing Rotten Tomatoes and the plot info even after a reload. Do you have your APIs entered into Metadatautils?
Yeah, I noticed that version installed when I installed the Titan Bingie Mod skin. Something has changed in Omega, because I've lost the ability to use
SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogo and
SkinHelper.Player.Art.ClearLogos in music viz. I was hoping Skin Helper v1.30.0 would remedy that, but unfortunately it did not. Other than that, I haven't had any trouble using that version with MQ 9.